Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Desert Finale

Ready for takeoff

Up, up and away!

Shyla gallops across "Shyla's Mesa"

R works the cavalettis - Doesn't every campsite have cavalettis?

Workout done, R was back on duty guarding camp.

Shyla and some "Prince's Plumes"

A stalk of Prince's Plume Blossoms

A single flower on a Prince's Plume

Sunset Light on my Girl

Final evening in a rugged campsite


  1. It looks like heaven. I love how your dogs wear their shoes.

  2. R is rockin the sunglasses :)
    Love how Shyla's fur changes colors with the sunset and
    desert scenery.

  3. Hi R!!! Your so cute in your sunglasses!!!
    Beautiful photos!

  4. You guys look like you're having so much fun racing around. Love those glasses!


  5. Oh Dear. After those lovely photographs, the last one made me think of "Breaking Bad" when they cooked meth in the desert. But you did have a lovely site.

  6. Your photos capture the joyfulness of the time spent in the desert in such a deep timeless way.

  7. That's interesting - I've never seen fixed cavaletti, always the kind where the rails would fall if a foot (usually a hoof) even brushed one. Is there a PT advantage to having it all fixed? Lots easier to set up and transport, for sure.
    And R looks like he's asking for my license and registration! :)

  8. Beautiful photos! Vacations are so much fun!

  9. Giới thiệu dự án Gamudatại quận Hoàng Mai, bao gồm Liền kề gamuda với 2 giai đoạn, giai đoạn 1 với 224 căn liền kề, giai đoạn 2 với 124 căn liền kề gamuda tiếp tục được ra mắt. Cùng với liền kề là các căn Đơn lập Gamuda, 120 căn song lập gamuda và những căn hộ Chung cư gamuda bên cạnh đó shophouse gamuda hay còn gọi là nhà phố gamuda và hot nhất là song lập gamuda sắp ra thêm song lập gamuda giai đoạn 2 với nhiều ưu đãi gamuda hấp dẫn

    Siêu dự án Chung cư imperia sky gardensắp ra mắt sẽ làm điên đảo thị trườngChung cu ha noi giới đầu tư sục sôi tìm hiểu về dự án hot này, được biết dự án nằm tại vị trí 243 minh khai thuộc hệ thống Chung cư hai bà trưng, nơi đây từ lâu đã là phố xá sầm uất nhất Hà Nội, bên cạnh đó Chung cư cầu giấyChung cư thanh xuân cũng mọc lên vô vàn dự án cao cấp.

  10. The contrast between your "two worlds" is always amazing. You bring out the beauty in both!

  11. So much fun to be had. And now I know what those flowers are called.

  12. R I love your glasses... you look like one of that men in black :lo)literally :o)

  13. It sure looks like the pups were enjoying themselves. Such beautiful pictures. Shyla looks especially happy.

  14. Shyla is SMILING as she zooms across HER mesa!

  15. Beautiful photos and beautiful memories for all of you. One of these days, maybe Shyla will fly over our area:)

  16. Thank you for posting the Beautiful Photos!
    Happiness is great to see. Happy Camping!

  17. Sunglasses, boots, oh my!! Those exercises look like a goodies for my legs too
    Lily (& Edward)

  18. You took some very good pictures today!!
    stella rose


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