Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 13, 2016

Glorious Start of Summer

It's the most glorious time of the year here. Just last month, it was still snowing. Now, we play in fields of wildflowers.

All that late snow made the wildflowers stunningly brilliant. I've found dense patches of tiny orchids, called "Fairy Slippers" unlike any I've seen before.

Some are tall, and some are short. I noticed one short one flourishing in the shade of all its brethren.

It's the time of year for velvet antlers. I loved the wry "look" that this yearling moose gave my camera.
Our moose population is growing so fast. We now have a male 2-year old, a male yearling (this one), and a mother with a new calf. Yet another mother-calf pair lives a short distance away. It's incredible how fast their population has grown!

Even though the days are so long now, I find myself wanting even more hours in the day because there are so many things that I love to do!
I hope that all of you are enjoying your worlds, whether you are at the start of summer or the start of winter. I know that I am!


  1. If we could be surrounded by all that beauty, we would be outside ALL the time:) the little fairy slippers are so very pretty. Shyla looks like she enjoys the season as much as you do:)

    A bit rougher day today for Ciara - lots of sleep and a fair amount of stumbling. Day 4, only 9 more to go.

  2. Yay for Spring in the mountains!! Those flowers are so beautiful!

  3. Lucky you to have located so many orchids! I found "mine" this past week but there are only a small group of them. An area where many grew is now logged and their habitat was destroyed. I enjoyed all your photos.

  4. So gorgeous! And Shyla looks like she's brimming with joy and energy!

  5. I want to visit your area! Our heat index was 110 today, and it's brutal.

  6. What beautiful and stunning flowers and I can certainly understand how it fills your spirit to be outside enjoying it, and taking it all in!

  7. The orchids are fabulous! And though we know moose can be dangerous, we think you're lucky to see them.

  8. Such beautiful colors! Happy Summer!

  9. That last photo of Shyla says it all!!

  10. I love all wildflowers, but the desert flowers and the Rocky Mountain flowers seem the best. Perhaps they know they have to shine since the season is so short for them. Lovely photographs.

  11. Gorgeous flowers, a real lift for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere. Wet, colder, grey skies, fires lit every night, and sometimes in the daytime too. Enjoy all that nature offers, and so good to know R is improving hugely.

  12. Your wildflowers are just stunning! Love your happy smile, Shyla☺

  13. Even Bullwinkle looks happy, BOL
    Lily & Edward

  14. Everything is almost as beautiful as Shyla!


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