Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Silhouette Sunday

One of the best parts of taking this photo was that R was with us! He's now allowed to walk up to the area where I enjoy viewing sunsets!
Of course, that's Shyla up on the boulder. It will be a while before I'll want R climbing onto boulders. Happy Sunday!


  1. And we know that once R CAN climb the boulders, his silhouette will be just as handsome as Shyla's is gorgeous!!!

  2. As usual, that photo just takes my breath away. Beautiful!!!!!

    Thank you for the warm wishes about Amber. Yes, she is also taking that same supplement. She has to go back on July 2 for another blood test to see if any of the readings have changed. I watched the recent video you posted on R's rehab. That dog is amazing!


  3. it's so beautiful... and we are happy that R was with you... and we hope he will climb on boulders and mountains soon :O)

  4. That's great news! I'll bet R is happy to see "new" sights :)

  5. That is a gorgeous silhouette photo! Also, yay for R! That's so exciting he can go now, too!

  6. All the more special knowing R is there too!
    Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel


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