Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A wild afternoon in April at the bear den

I'm spending one afternoon per week going through the 150 GB of footage from the bear den this spring. April 24th was a day of constant play with careful supervision by mom. I already showed you some footage from earlier that day.

I liked this part of the footage because the video shows the sincere respect the cubs have when mom tells them to "behave themselves". From the video that is in this post, I know that mom was reprimanding the chocolate cub at this instant.

The chocolate cub, a male, leaned backwards away from her, obviously a tiny bit scared of her very understated wrath.

After the chocolate cub went off to play, the black cub (who I think is a female), snuggled up to mom's snout. The black cub was usually the wild one (and the "troublemaker" as one of you said) but not during the footage from around 3 PM on 4/24.

At this point, the bear family still had a few more snowstorms standing between them and leaving the den a month later. Also, it is critical that the cubs are agile climbers when they leave the den. As you'll see in future installments, the cubs started climbing tall trees in May, getting ready for the day that their mom led them off into the forest.

I hope that you enjoy the video. I sure am loving watching the clips and getting a secret glimpse into the lives of a bear family. I suspect that this past winter will be one that I remember for a very long time due to the bear family!

You can watch this video at Youtube if there's a problem with it here.

P.S. Do you have ideas for names for the male chocolate cub and probably female black cub?


  1. So amazing to be able to see these cubs and their mom. Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  2. We LOVE watching them!!! It sounds like the cubs were protesting the end of their playtime:)

  3. Thank you for giving us the chance to watch a video of the bears. We would never see it elsewhere. It is very interesting. We need more women like the Mama Bear.

  4. Loved the video! Momma bear is so patient and calm with her two toddlers! They are adorable balls of fluff. How about Flora for the girl and Barney for the boy? (For some reason he makes me think of Barney the dinosaur!)

  5. Another wonderful look at these cuties!! How about Missy (for mischievous)for the girl? Still thinking about a boys name...

  6. We love watching the cubs play and interact with mom!

  7. These videos are so special. I love them. Do you have any idea where they are now?

  8. Hi Mary,

    I have not gotten any photos/videos of a sow with two cubs from my trail cams this year. I have gotten multiple sets of footage from sows who have one cub. I'm really hoping that this sow shows up with two cubs soon!

    BTW, I believe that I know this sow. The last time that she had 2 cubs, I never saw her all season until she used this same den with her yearling cubs (2010). She may be a mother bear who is very cagey about keeping her cubs out of danger for their whole first year (which means that she doesn't use the main bear trails where I have my cams).

    Time will tell. I will tell all of you right away if I do get footage of her anytime this summer!

  9. Coco came to mind right away for Chocolate. The Black one took a bit more thought: Cinder?

  10. We watch all your fantastic videos. So cool
    Lily & Edward

  11. They are sure something to see like that!

  12. Wow! Absolutely amazing!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  13. How can you pull yourself away from the pics and video?? Amazing! OK, how about Hershey & Cupcake?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. Thank you, thank you, This was fantastic!


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