Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 8, 2016

See Beautiful - Our Black Dog

We are joining this month's "See Beautiful" blog hop, with a look at how beautiful it is to see R returning to his happy-go-lucky life!

R is starting to be able to do more of things that we love - like sitting as tall as a king in a meadow of wildflowers!

And then running with his trademark crazy ears!

This morning, I supervised his off-leash time, and it was wonderful to see the fruits of all the labor we've done in his rehab!

He was so happy to run, and I was overjoyed that he could!

Then, in the evening, R and his sister watched the sunset with me. He can easily walk to our sunset viewpoint now, which makes me smile.
For this month, my "See Beautiful" theme is the wonder of watching R heal from his surgery 11 weeks ago and gradually be allowed to do more of what we all love so much.

R has a beautiful heart, and I'm so happy for him!


  1. So very glad R's life is gradually becoming refilled with his favorite activities! I hope he just gets better and better! :)

  2. I'm so glad that R is doing well and able to return to some fun things!

  3. We are happy for R too - and for you!!! He looks so happy.

  4. OMD!!! He looks sooooo happy! I am thrilled for you guys! WoooHooo!
    Ruby ♥

  5. I'm so happy for him. too! And for you all.

  6. Your last photo is the " Winner of the Year", beautiful beyond words. Those hours and days and weeks of doing all the rehab has paid off in spades!!! Have a restful Saturday.

  7. We are so happy for R and for the Runner and for Shyla and for you, KB!

  8. Hari OM
    that's about the best beautiful there can be! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. The look on that sweet face has softened...........he knows what has been done for him....gentle cyber hugs to you, R !!!!!!!

  10. Running at last - halleluiah!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  11. He's a beautiful dog. Glad he can exercise again!

  12. We're so happy to hear that R is doing so well in his recovery. You sure have been working hard to make it all happen.

  13. Oh R!! I'm so glad you can re-join the world!!


  14. This is just fantastic new.
    Now ya have gone and made my eyes all wet.
    I am so happy for you and R!!!
    XO Linda and Astro

  15. So wonderful to see R active again. Many thanks to you for your faithful diligence in his care post surgery. He owes his new health to you.


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