Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Fire on the Mountain

 The day started out normally enough. Shyla and I played in a meadow.

Then we ran into a friend on the trail. I commented that we'd reached a level of dryness in the forest that I was too nervous about wildfires to leave the dogs home alone when I went to town. After that comment, we both went on our ways, assuming that nothing bad would happen.

I stopped to photograph Columbines.

I stopped back at home to do R's exercises and then leave Shyla at home with the Runner while I went to check some trail cameras. As I checked one, I thought - wow, it smells very smoky. I looked to the west, and my heart rate spiked with fear.

Here's what I saw. I had looked in that direction just a short time before, and I hadn't seen a fire. It had blown up SO fast due to a brisk wind. The sheriff already knows that it was caused by a campfire. I've found so many campfires left burning over the years that it was inevitable that this would happen someday. For the sake of us locals and the forest, it's time to ban campfires for good.
I could see people down in the canyon below me fishing and sightseeing (you can see the canyon road in the photo above). I think that they had no idea that a huge plume of smoke was rising behind them. I tried to dial 911, and I had "no service". I hate those words.

I sprinted uphill, and I saw this. It was growing so fast. Still no cell reception.


I finally got cell service, and I dialed 911. They already knew about the fire so I hung up. I called the Runner who said I should get home asap. There was fear of an imminent evacuation of our area.

As I rode home, the world went dark and rosy-colored due to smoke. Ash fell on me. I feared that spot fires might break out due to ash being spread by the brisk wind.

As I got home, we lost our power. We don't have data packages for our cell phones so we were cut off from info. We and our neighbors talked on landlines, listened to scanners, and drove to each others' houses to talk. With more information, we'd figured out that the fire was about 4 miles away. Unfortunately, fire fighting resources had been shifted away from Colorado in the past month due to other big fires in the country. As of now, there are only 3 aircraft fighting the rapidly growing fire that has 0% containment.

This was the view from our sunset lookout point at 3:30 PM. The ski area is usually visible in the left of the photo but smoke totally obscured it. We'll walk up there again soon to see what it looks like.
What a day so far. I am packing, just in case. I'm feeling a little better about the odds of the fire getting to us because the winds have been pushing it the other way. However, I feel horrendous for my friends whose houses are in the path of the fire. It brings tears to my eyes.

As I look around me from our deck, I keep wondering if today will be the last day that our world looks like it does now. I hope not.


  1. So very scary! I hope you stay safe!

  2. When we saw the evening news I thought of you immediately. How scary! I am very fearful of careless people starting a fire in the forest behind our house. I hope it is contained before too much destruction occurs. Stay safe!

  3. So very sorry to hear this. Please stay safe. Prayers for all to be OK.

  4. We watched the smoke spread as we drove home from Moffatt tunnel trailhead this afternoon, and now watching the planes fly back and forth. Here is hoping it is contained soon.

  5. I hope your house will be fine. We have had some small fires Reno, Nevada but CA and rural Nevada have had a couple really bad ones. Stay safe and prayers for you and your neighbors.

  6. Yes, banning campfires seems like a great idea. People aren't smart enough to have fires in the woods. I hope you stay safe, and they get it under control soon.

  7. Fire is so scary. We hope they can get it under control quickly
    Stay safe
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. I'll be thinking of you all, KB, I can recall the first time I looked up and saw smoke on the Front Range - the hair stood up on the back of my neck, even though I was in Boulder, It's such a visceral reaction. Fire is a timeless nightmare. It's why there are so few old houses in New England. That's what I reminded myself when I started to feel like a curmudgeon for calling the police about fireworks four times last week...it's been dry as dust here for over a month,
    I'll be hoping for good news from you, and that your home and your neighbors' homes are alright, And especially, that all the animals including humans will be out of harm's way,

  9. we cross our paws and fingers and we hope so much that you haven't to leave the house and that the danger is over without damage... hugs to you...

  10. Scary , dangerous, and all because of some thoughtless people.
    I hope you and your friends stay safe.

  11. Urgh I feel your fear. I hope they manage to get some more fire fighting services back to your area quickly and get this out.
    We have a system on our mountain that if we have to go out but the dogs are not able to come, then we contact neighbors who will get the dogs if an emergency was to arise. These things are so often started by people who should never be in these environments. Everything crossed for you all.

  12. This is such a scary situation! I sure hope that they were able to get the fire under control and that you did not have to evacuate! Stay safe!! I agree...campfires really need to be banned...some people just don't know how to handle them!

  13. OMG! We are praying that you and your family and friends stay safe, KB!

  14. I do hope that fire is out by now. a good idea to not leave the dogs home alone.. i don't even leave my washer or dryer going when i am not home for fear of fire and Jake home alone.. prayers for all in the path of that fire.

  15. I do hope that beautiful mama and her cubs are ok

  16. Stay safe. Living in NorCal, we know how scary and fast fires can move. Hoping and praying it was contained.

  17. Y'all please keep safe and get out of there if you need to. We're sure praying for everyone out that way.

  18. Keep yourselves and those pups safe. Hope they get it under control soon.

  19. Stay safe! Hope they contain it quickly.

  20. wishing you safety and clear skies.
    fires are frightening.

  21. OMD !! Dat is skary, pleese keep safe. Yoo is in our prayers for it to ends soon

    Da K Krew

  22. Oh no. We know all about bushfires here. Cannot believe people who want to enjoy nature are not more careful. We hope it can be contained quickly and think of all the animals being affected as well as humans. We'll keep our fingers and paws crossed. So frightening.

  23. So thinking of you and the family ~~ please take of yourselves and I do believe things will improve ~~ all the best!


  24. Just saw you're evacuating now. Many prayers for everyone's safety. Keep us posted when you can.

    Lily Belle and Muffin

  25. Just saw you're evacuating now. Many prayers for everyone's safety. Keep us posted when you can.

    Lily Belle and Muffin

  26. Just saw your post on FB about evacuating, and came to read the story. Prayers for safety to everyone.

  27. Da mom saw your post on da Facebook so we rushed right over to read your bloggie. Puleeze be careful and stay safe all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  28. We are thinking of you and wishing the absolute best. Paws crossed.

  29. We are just reading this and our hearts are saddened.
    May you be safe and the fires put out quickly.
    XO Astro

  30. What a terrifying thing the threat of fire is! I pray you will all be okay and won't have to evacuate.

  31. Oh My ..... stay safe. We know all about bush fires here in Australia. Such terrifying things and often started by irresponsible people. I hope all the animals have time to get away to safer ground. Well be thinking of you and praying for you and all involved.

  32. YIKES! Take care; I hope it turns out okay.

  33. We are keeping you and yours in our thoughts. Please update as the situation progresses.

  34. OMC this is really horrible. We Purray that you are all safe. Take care! Pawkisses and Purrayers are on the way <3 <3 <3


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