Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 9, 2016


We're evacuating so we may be out of touch for a while. For those of you who pray, please do so now.

Will update as soon as we can.


  1. Dearest KB All the best for you and yours. Hope the fire stops så you Can return to your house and be safe. Love and All the Best from Else Marie

  2. We are there with you in spirit. We hope the fires do not cause you any loss, but the most important thing is your life. Stay safe and hug the pups for us.

  3. Oh NO, prayers for you and your neighbors and all the wild animals. Fire is terrible. Please keep us posted.

  4. Prayers headed to all of you. Please be safe and we'll be on the lookout for an update when you can.

  5. Very sorry to hear it, but glad you are all together and R is so far along in his healing. Take care of yourselves and each other, and please let us hear from you when you can. Will be sending good thoughts often.

  6. We are so sorry to hear that you have to be evacuated. All paws and fingers are crossed that your place will be safe.

  7. Sending prayers for you and all the wildlife in your area

  8. Hari OM
    POTP for all affected by this threat of nature.... YAM xx

  9. I sure wasn't expecting this bad news to be given to you. All of my prayers are heading right in your direction. I know this is a total nightmare for you. Hope everyone in the path of this stays safe. Stay strong.


  10. Mom Kim here - oh please stay safe and sending so many prayers to you all as well as all who are affected by the fire - human and animal.

    I have never been in a fire and I am dreadfully afraid of them I pray for your safety and that you can find peace amid this chaos.

  11. Praying for your safety and for all who are being affected.

    Aroo to you,

  12. Were sending good thoughts!

  13. We're sending POTP to you all and the the whhole area. So scary. Visualizing your return to your home just as you left it earlier today.

    -Otto and Lisa

  14. Prayers on the way -
    Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Mom

  15. Prayers for all of you. And for the wonderful animals who share your mountains. We'll keep all of you in our thoughts and hope for the best outcome.

  16. Oh, dear, we missed this post when we came by earlier. How frightening for all who are in the path of the fire. Praying for you.

  17. OMD, I am keepin' my paws crossed real tight for you guys! I read you postie earlier, and been thinkin' of you!! Stay safe, and You knows we gots your back and front and sides and wells, you get the point. {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  18. Sending thoughts your way as we watch the evacuation zone creep closer. We're all hoping for the best.

  19. Dearest friend, my thoughts and heartfelt hopes that you are all safely out, as I read on Facebook a few minutes ago.It might be a while before you get to read these comments. Much love from down in NZ XXX

  20. Prayers and POTP from downunder heading your way. PLEASE, please, please stay safe!!!!!

  21. Paws (and human fingers) crossed here in New Zealand that you all stay safe and well. Take care.

  22. Paws (and human fingers) crossed here in New Zealand that you all stay safe and well. Take care.

  23. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the entire mountain. May all lives affected by this be safe from harm.
    We are with you in spirit.

    XO Astro

  24. praying for all of you and the wild life to.

  25. Sending prayers for you and the wildlife.

  26. Oh we are so so very sorry and scared for all beings.
    I sure wish we could share our rain...
    Hugs madi and mom

  27. Sending hugs, love, and best wishes your way!

  28. Take care! Sending my prayers now!

  29. Please stay safe!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  30. We are praying and praying for your safety and that your home is saved from this awful disaster. The poor wildlife in the area, pray they can stay ahead of the fire or can borrow under ground.
    Sweet William The Scot

  31. Praying!

    I know how scary this can be - my parents had to evacuate due to a nearby fire - ash was raining down on their home. Hang in there. At least you all got out safely.

  32. Praying and waiting with high hopes for some good news soon......so grateful that you and and your sweeties got out safely

  33. Thinking of you and your family. POTP!

    Glad to know you are all safe.

  34. Fingers crossed for you all! Fires are heartbreaking, and I hope you avoid the worst of it.

  35. oh dear, I am so sorry to hear this!
    Prayers are flying your way!


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