Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Silhouette Sunday

I love when the eastern sky lights up at sunset so I can photograph a silhouette of my graceful Shyla.
Happy Sunday.


  1. Beautiful shot!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Beautiful. I love how the sky colors are so soft and blended against her causing a softness of your beautiful Shyla.

    Happy Sunday to you too.

  3. Beautiful! We hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Happy Sunday to all of you! It looks like Shyla is standing in front of Saturn!

  5. Perfect!! I hope you've had an enjoyable Sunday!!

  6. What a beautiful Shyla silhouette, and such lovely layers of color!!

  7. that's just beautiful... we work on a silhouette photo, but we have just some grey and black shadows... maybe we need such a pawfect sunset here furst?


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