Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sun Puddles in July

I know it's only July but I am already seeing little signs of the changing of the season. Early the other morning. Shyla was lying in a sun puddle when I awakened, with her golden eyes glowing in the low angle sun. Sun puddles are a winter-time occurrence around here. What's up with that?
I'm not going to show you the other signs I've seen - the occasional yellow leaf and the late summer flowers that are already blooming due to our drought. I'll save those for later in the summer, when those thing should be appearing.

Shyla wishes you a Happy Summer Monday.


  1. I'm seeing some early signs of fall too - still July and the garden seems to be closing up shop. Yellow leaves too. Maybe it's the heat this summer?
    Beautiful picture of Shyla with eyes aglow.

  2. I am ignoring the signs that winter is coming lol!

  3. OMD Shyla I love this photo it is stunning.

    Aroo to you,

  4. It's really fascinating how the seasons have been odd in different parts of the country! We've had some crazy weather here! It was hot for 3 days in May and then luke warm and even cold until around now. I hope summer sticks around a bit for you!

  5. That's crazy how seasons are so different all over the place. We are having lots of heat this weak
    Lily & Edward

  6. We only see signs of drought. That is such a pretty photo!

  7. Seems early for a shift in seasons, though, we're back to winter after spring-like weather.

  8. We got a bit of a break in the heat today, but to be honest, I would be happy to see some signs of fall around here too:)

  9. What a gorgeous photo of you, Shyla!

  10. Same here. We've had such a hot summer already that the trees are dusky and sad.

  11. A stunning image of Shyla!

    I haven't seen any signs of fall here yet, but usually we're pretty early as well because it doesn't rain in the summer. However, the green of the trees is still rather fresh - I guess it's because we had a good wet winter.

  12. She's gorgeous!

    Definitely no signs of fall here...still full on summer, including short but intense afternoon storms!

  13. Shlya, are you makin' eyes at me??


  14. WE would not mind if it cooled down some but we are not ready for fall yet
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Sun puddles are always good, Roxy thinks so anyway. We are having a chilly morning here in Montana, but the sun is out and it should be another warm day.

  16. Shyla your sun puddle is so beautiful!


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