Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunset Sunday

High in the mountains, we found a campsite where we had amazing sunset light and wonderful wildflowers.

Shyla and I would play in the flowers at sunset, with her attention sometimes wandering to the deer who were in the forest right by our campsite in the evening. Here was a beautiful buck with the sunset light behind his velvet antlers.

After the sun's descent toward the horizon, it would set exactly at the bottom of a "V" in the mountains.

It would sometimes give a beautiful display of color when the clouds were aligned just right.
I have two criteria for an awesome campsite - morning sun so that it warms up quickly and sunset light for photography. This campsite had both!!!! It's a winner so we'll be back there again for sure!


  1. Summertime, and is that snow still lingering there? Maybe you are so high that it always has a few patches. Superb sky colours.

  2. What beautiful photos - every single one of them!

  3. Great photos and the deer sure is pretty!

  4. It couldn't be more perfect or beautiful from the start of the day to its end.

  5. Oh mY!! just gorgeous!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. The pictures of the buck and the sunsets are perfect

  7. I love the photo of the deer... it looks like the magic one from a fairy tale ... maybe you can make 3 wishes?

  8. What a beautiful spot. Our criteria is also morning sunshine, and a nice view.

  9. What an amazing pictures!!! Beautiful sunset. Beautiful dog!!! Thanks for sharing.


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