Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Wildflower Friday!

For Flower Friday, Shyla will show you a few of the flowers that we saw in Crested Butte! Here, Shyla is standing among crimson Indian Paintbrush. I love their bright color.

While we were there, the wild Columbines were blossoming on scree slopes high in the mountains.

I've never seen so many all together.

Look at the endless beautiful wildflowers!

These were along a trail that went out of our campsite. We walked it every day!
I hope that you all still have flowers (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere). We're trying to get out to see the ones still blooming up high!


  1. Such beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing! They are so pretty I think I can smell them through the box!!! Love, Hugs and Golden Kisses, Kathy and Enzo

  2. Those flowers are so beautiful! We still have a few here but the weather is beginning to turn!

  3. I've never seen such pale wild Columbine. They're beautiful. I love the fuschia Paintbrush. There are meadows of them on Peak 8.

  4. Back when I tried to garden at our old house, we had columbines. So pretty and so easy!

  5. Down here spring bulbs are flowering, daffs, snowdrops, tulips growing, Dutch iris with tall spiky leaves, your wildflowers are truly gorgeous.

  6. Those flowers are so pretty and so are you Shyla!

  7. Beautiful flowers! We especially love the one of you and the Indian Paintbrush, Shyla!

  8. So pretty. The flowers are my picture of the Alps!

  9. Love those columbine!
    This is a season when there are lots of wildflowers in New England, in different combinations as the summer progresses. The joe pye weed is blooming now, which I always think of as marking a sort of turning point...though the way the weather has been lately, who knows? We may still be having "summer" in the middle of November!

  10. love wildflowers!
    Mr BAiley, Hazel & Mabel

  11. Oh, those are beautifuls!!!! And Shyla, you are lookin' most beautifuls!
    Ruby ♥

  12. The flowers are beautiful! Its been very hot here, and some of our flowers did not make it through the heat.,

  13. that's like an ocean of wildflowers... and to walk on such a summer meadow is like walking the red carpet, I bet :o)

  14. It doesn't seem possible there can be so many flowers!

  15. Love the first photo with Shyla and the crimson Indian Paintbrush (today I learned).


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