Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Golden Tunnel of Aspens

Today was a good day. Shyla seemed to feel good. The sky was blue and the aspens were golden.

I love the sight of the golden aspen leaves against the blue sky. Due to my surgically fused neck, I can't look straight up. So, sometimes I blindly turn my camera that way so I can see the view. Beautiful!!!

Today is Day 2 of Keppra for Shyla, and she seems much better than yesterday. Tonight, we transition to a new kind of Keppra that is slow release so she should have a steadier blood level of the medicine. I hope that's an easy transition. For today, she seemed to feel fabulous!

We wove our way around mazes of golden tunnels where the trail was barely visible in the midst of the aspens.

I decided to try something new. I've had a GoPro for a long time but I've never videoed my view of a mountain bike ride. Today seemed like a day to try it. You'll see Shyla running ahead of me (our usual positioning so that she can set the pace), and you'll see the glorious autumn colors all around us. The soundtrack is a little corny - John Denver "Rocky Mountain High". He expresses my feelings about our mountains so beautifully.

It's a short video, and I hope that you enjoy it. It lets you see the joy that Shyla and I share every day when we go out on our trails together.


  1. Fab video! What a joy to ride through such a grove on a beautiful day!

  2. WOW! Thanks for taking us along!!! Love ya sweet Shyla!

  3. Superb!!! I was going to ask if it was a helmet mounting then I saw your shadow. Great , as when Hugh has taken some, he gets too much sunshine in and glare. You do bike fast, this gives a wonderful perspective of your trails and the trees, and Shyla bounding ahead. I loved every second of it.

  4. Great fun to ride and run along with you! we need to see more:) HOpe the Keppra ER works well.

  5. Video was awesome! I love seeing shyla in action. Thanks for sharing. Fingers and paws crossed Keppra keeps working. :)

  6. Bet Shyla needs a nap after that great exercise! Fun video. Fall in CO is the best.

  7. I LOVED THE VIDEO! I put it on full screen and watched it twice. Such beauty. And the video is not jumpy at all. I loved the way Shyla hesitated at the division to make certain which way she should go. Fantastic.

  8. absolutely NOTHING corny about that. It just made me grin from ear to ear. Love seeing Shyla lead the way and oh what a beauitful path you were on. No wonder you go out daily. PS was that a little moose do do right towards the end in the trail.

    1. Nope, not moose poop (although we do have lots of that). That pile was horse nuggets!

  9. What a pawsome video (to one of my favorite songs)and Shyla looks sooooo happy!
    Big smiles here!

  10. Now that was great fun watching the video! Glad Shyla had a better day
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. We LOVED the video! What beautiful foliage! We pray the keppra keeps working!

  12. More videos please - and that was a perfect music choice. Watching Shyla run down those tree-lined autumn paths was a real treat.

  13. we hope the good news will continue... it is as if your found eldorado the golden land... the trees are just wonderful!

  14. The leaves are pretty and that doggie is such a beauty ♥


  15. That is so lovely! Our leaves are just starting to change colors here--I can't wait until we have tunnels of color, too!

  16. Love me some John Denver! Beautiful and joyous video!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed watching Shyla run through the Aspens.
    Thanks for sharing so much !
    May the new time release meds continue to keep Shyla on the right track.
    xo Astro and Linda

  18. We could watch that video all day long,, every day,, it is soooo beautiful. And the music is not corny at all.. We love John Denver, and we love that song,, and its all soooo perfect,,,
    All the fall colors, happy Shyla,, your trails. and shadows of you,, in your world,, thank you,, thank you


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