Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Delicate Aspen Leaves

When autumn reaches her full glory, we mountain folks want it to last forever. It's as if the world has been magically transformed into a golden paradise.

A little of the paradise is red. I savor the red aspen leaves because they are rare.

Alas, all it takes is a strong wind (like we have today), rain, or even snow to bring down all the leaves in an instant. We don't want that to happen yet, for obvious reasons!

Luckily, Shyla and I have a friend named Enzo. He's a Golden Retriever who lives at over 10,000' here in Colorado. He is busily gluing aspen leaves back onto their branches as the wind brings them down. His mom thought that this was so magical that she drew a picture of him hard at work.
Thank you, Kathy, for sharing this wonderful drawing with me and letting me show it in this post!

As an aside, we didn't switch epilepsy medicines yet because the pharmacy had to order it for us (we will switch tonight). Shyla seems like she is feeling quite good, and she's had no seizures. She even did nosework last night and was as sharp as usual. I'm feeling optimistic.

I'm also feeling so grateful for all of you - you have made suggestions that have literally changed our course of action. Thank you!

Happy Friday to all my friends!


  1. Yes, we are in no hurry for those leaves to fall either! Yay Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  2. Yes, we are in no hurry for those leaves to fall either! Yay Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

  3. That drawing is so adorable and those leaves look like they were painted with love.

  4. We are so happy that you and Enzo are friends. He is a special boy. I love his drawings and your photos

  5. What a fab drawing, Enzo, a real cool fellow.Love those golden leaves everywhere. And so glad Shyla is doing Ok now.

  6. Such a cute drawing! The colors are so intense in your world!

  7. We can see why you love those red aspen leaves so much, the color is brilliant! Good news on the Shyla front too.

  8. Oh, how we LOVE that sweet drawing—now that is magical! Thanks so much to you and your friend for sharing it with us. And very glad to hear Shyla is doing better—yay!

  9. What a busy pup Enzo is going to be in the coming months :-).

    Such gorgeous color!

  10. Fingers still crossed for Shyla. Just love all that gold and red. We're just getting our Jasmine and other flowers.

  11. What an adorable drawing! The red leaves are just as beautiful as the gold. Go Shyla!

  12. Beautiful photos of our beautiful land. And what sweet artwork ...
    Thank you for sharing all of this, and the news that Shyla is doing better.
    Some days life is good to us.

  13. I love the drawing and the colors are just wonderful... I hope all this beautiful leaves will not be covered in snow too soon ... hugs to the girl and lots of potp

  14. Oh this post makes me happy on so many levels! Love the drawing :)
    I am feeling pretty ragged today but it's lovely out - COOL and sunny. I am going to try to take Piper out into the woods even if for just a little while, and even though there will probably be other people which means Piper must be on lead at all times. Even so, I know she'll enjoy the time spent, and she deserves it. Here I go, encouraged by Shyla and Enzo...hope we make it!

  15. I'm wondering if you got snow overnight? Enzo would be very busy gluing our leaves back on - we got snow! Glad Shyla is holding her own. Ask vet before taking her to an altitude higher than where you live.

  16. Oh, those are soooo beautiful!!! Butts, I'm with Enzo! No hurry here! And, Mother Nature is in no hurry either...It's gonna be 100 degrees tomorrow and Monday!!! Yikes. So much for Fall!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Your leaves turn before ours - I live at about 6000 feet in the Sawtooths in Idaho - but ours are starting to turn. The only bad part is that they don't stay on the trees long enough after they turn. Fall is definitely here, though, when we get rain (snow at the higher elevations!) coming through and it's in the high 30s overnight. Brrrr. Nice powdery snow is so much nicer than chilly rain. I love winter.

    I've been reading here forever but never really commented. I have, however, been sending all the good vibes I can send to Shyla. It's amazing what they can do these days with meds, but that doesn't make it any less scary for us humans. Dogs are way better at dealing with these things than we are, I am convinced.

  18. I love the drawing,, Fall can take its time in coming for sure,.
    We keep sending good thoughts for Shyla,

  19. Can Enzo come here and glue our leaves?? Happy that Shyla is doing well!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

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