Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Incredible Autumn Weekend

The leaves are still hanging on, and we had a blast mountain biking through the aspen groves over the past two days.

We saw the first snow on nearby peaks this morning. That snow-dusted peak to the left is near where Shyla and I hiked recently. Look at the golden and red aspen groves in the midst of the pine forest below the peaks. This is a transition that I enjoy but not as much as I enjoy springtime.

I do think that it's our peak autumn weekend, and I'm glad to be here to enjoy it!

We had tentatively planned to go to a high alpine spot to camp this weekend but we decided not to go because of Shyla's not-quite-stable status on her new epilepsy medicine.

Shyla started the extended release Keppra yesterday. I must admit that I feel slightly worried about seizures because Shyla was restless in the middle of the night last night (for the 1st time since her last seizure), which is sometimes followed by a seizure. That didn't happen last night. I wish that I could chill out about seizures - I'm guessing that it will take time for me to learn not to worry so much.

Shyla sure seems happy! What a grin!
Happy Sunday!


  1. That is one big beautiful Shyla smile!!!

  2. Awww, she looks so happy!!!

    We hope the meds work well for her. Since most of Ciara's seizures start in the middle of the night, this lady has become a very light and restless sleeper - every sound brings me to full attention to listen for the telltale thud of the start of a seizure. Maybe if we ever get to a long stretch of seizure-free nights, that will go away.

    Love all the golden hues you have there.

  3. I hope the new medicine does the trick and you both can get some good rest.

  4. Look at her smile, happiness galore right there. Snow on the tops, is this early for you? Hope the new meds work well, and nights are more peaceful.

  5. We are absolutely loving your smile, Shyla!

  6. The yellow is such a beautiful backdrop for Shyla.

  7. What a beautiful Smile you have Shyla :) Milo & Jet

  8. Oh, it is so beautiful out there! Shyla looks great among the Autumn colors.

  9. Happy fall with your happy girl!

  10. Like any good mom you will continue to worry and watch over her. She would not have it any other way. stella rose

  11. Beautiful. Beautiful leaves, dog, and blue skies.


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