Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Onward with Nosework!

Shyla and I have continued with our nosework, having so much fun with it. We did take a week off because I read that "essential oils" (which are the odors that dogs search for in nosework) can cause seizures. It was before Shyla was taking anti-seizure meds, and she continued to have seizures even though we weren't doing nosework. Phew - that convinced me that nosework wasn't the culprit! I would've hated to have to stop nosework.

Since then, I've talked with vets who have told me that a dog must ingest a large quantity for an essential oil to cause seizures. So, we can continue to do nosework! We jump for joy because we love it so much.

I wanted to share a recent round of nosework that we did. The short video has 2 clips. In the first clip, I hid a tiny odor source in a crevice within huge pile of firewood. Shyla worked it beautifully. She seems to be figuring out wind direction and how to search most efficiently by starting downwind and working her way upwind.

In the second clip, I put a magnetic tin with a little bit of clove oil high up on the yellow sign in the video view. Shyla did a fabulous job of finding it. Hides that are way over a dog's head are the hardest.

Without further ado, enjoy the video either here or at Youtube.

Thanks for watching!


  1. It's so interesting. Dogs don't get frustrated like people do. She just enjoys the journey of seeking out the scent. Such a sweet girl!

  2. I love seeing your nosework videos! It makes me want to try it with Nola, and I think Layla would enjoy it, too.

  3. I can see this is so much fun, she is so good at nose work, and I am hoping this shows her episodes are going to be less and less. Enjoy those golden days of autumn.

  4. It's great to watch you, you are such a super team :O)

  5. It is so much fun watching the two of you do nosework! Great job!

  6. We too really enjoy watching the pups do their nosework! Shyla truly enjoys it.

  7. What a clever girl. So glad it wasn't the oils that caused the problem. Great to see her out and working.

  8. Oh Shyla, you sure are good at that and having such fun!

  9. Yippeeee for nosework! I'm glad you and Shyla are still able to do it!

  10. Shyla has the best nose in the world,, to sniff lots!


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