Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Change in our World

The sky was stunning this morning - scary, spooky, and beautiful - all at the same time.

We played on an overlook with this view. Despite the fact that Shyla was up and restless again the wee hours of the morning (her seizure time of the night), she was full of energy this morning.
I'm awaiting word from Shyla's neurologist about how we can change her meds. Earlier today, he suggested switching meds but then he backed off on that idea. I hope to hear from him soon.

Although the bike that I was riding yesterday during my crash is out of commission, my pain was far less than I expected this morning. Perhaps I didn't hurt any of vulnerable parts of my spine near my fusions.

We found some golden aspens - among the last at our elevation - and played in their grove for a while. I hate the thought that our world will become so much less colorful soon.

Those golden aspen tunnels that I made a video of a couple of weeks ago are now bare branch tunnels. The transformation is a shock to my state of mind. However, I found a few leaves remaining on a tree in the formerly golden tunnels that caught my eye.
In the spirit of looking at the bright side of life, I think that I'll focus on those beautiful leaves for now. What's your world like at this time of year?


  1. So glad your pain is lessening! Yes, we have noticed just the last few days that Autumn is revving up!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. We are headed for a stormy week and our first coastal cold front moves in...which means most of our leaves will be coming down too.

    I hope the pain stays away, and the vet can help Shyla

  3. Missed you bike accident. Glad you aren't too sore. The dogs here have been active in the wee small hours, but we think it's cats coming into the yard. Here's hoping Shyla is just aware of wildlife around.

  4. Glad to hear you aren't feeling too bad after your crash.

  5. Glad to hear the report on YOU!!! Maybe Shyla is just reacting to the change in the seasons? We hope Shyla settles more restfully soon.

  6. It's good to hear you were able to get out and enjoy the morning light with Shyla.
    Our world is changing up here, the PNW is beautiful in Autumn.
    The morning air is crisp, and the sky is clear.
    xo Astro

  7. I sure am glad you are doing some better. Yep, that sky is spooky, but spooky cool.

  8. OMD!! I'm glad you're feeling the betterment. Otto's zonicamide seems to be holding him. He's better since he's been playing with our neighbor dog.

    1. That Z-drug might be the one that the neuro is thinking of. He didn't finish his thinking today so I don't know what's up next! Glad to hear that Otto is doing well.

  9. Glad you are feeling better!
    paws crossed for Shyla too
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  10. The cherry tress have blossom ( they are ornamental flowering type) the lawn is growing so fast every week, my special Bletilla has huge buds, beautiful pinky mauve flowers will be out soon, some snow fell in the South Island last night, we had freezing rain here, and the fire is lit, YES, once again. That's what is happening in our little part of the world down here.Love your sky view, and send all hopes for Shyla to improve.

  11. We are so happy to hear that your pain is less than you expected, KB. Our paws are crossed that the vet can come up with a plan for Shyla! Your autumn is so beautiful!

  12. we hope for good news when your hear from your neurologist... hugs to you, we cross our paws that your pains go away completely soon...

  13. Our weather has only just now started to cool down. No color on the trees yet at all! It was 44 when I got up a few minutes ago (Northern Va), but will probably reach at least 70 later.

  14. Since we got to Utah, not so very colorful. Everything here is just turning brown. Too dry I suppose.

  15. Gosh thank goodness your back is ok. We have all our feets crossed for Shyla. We read that a homeopathic approach worked in many dogs. Ask your doc, 200C of Belladonna
    Lily & Edward

  16. It is great news that you were not seriously hurt. We are praying that you find the correct medication for Shyla.

  17. Always thinking about Shyla,, and hope the doctors have answers for Shyla.

  18. Wow, that sky was pretty scary! I hope that the fact that Shyla does not go into full seizures that is a good sign? Maybe whatever meds you have her on are a step in the right direction. Our golden retriever had a seizure - probably due to cancer - but then the next one was not nearly as bad and she has not had another since.
    Glad to hear your injuries might not be too bad. We are enjoying some beautiful fall colors here right now..trying to focus on that as well!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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