Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 10, 2016

Worries, worries

I am feeling worried today. I should have taken heed of the threatening-looking but beautiful mountain view this morning.

Shyla has been waking up and moving around restlessly at her "seizure time" (3-5AM) almost every night recently. The neurologist told me that this is probably a sign of pre-seizure brain activity so I am awaiting his response to see what we can do next.

Aside from all of us being tired the next day, Shyla has seemed good during the day. We have been out for the early morning sunrise rays recently.

And, she's always ready to romp, no matter what happened the night before.

Today, after I rode with Shyla, I went out for a bit more riding on my own. I had a major mishap. As I pedaled as hard as I could to churn up a short steep section of trail, my chain snapped. My bike immediately started rolling backward, gaining speed rapidly. I got my feet out of the pedals and tried to stop the bike by putting my feet on the ground but it didn't work. I ended up rolling backwards off the trail into the forest on the downhill side of the trail.

At first, I thought that I wasn't hurt. I landed on a combination of shrubs and forest debris with my bike on top of me about 10 yards below the trail. The hardest part was getting my bike off of me so that I could start extricating myself. I managed but it was slow work. When my bike and I were finally back on the trail about 20 minutes later, my bike was unrideable except downhill. So, I started the walk home, hopping on the bike to glide the downhills.

As I walked home, the adrenaline started to clear from my system, and I realized that the part of my back that gave me such terrible pain for about 5 months a year ago was hurting. At first, it was a minor pain, and it gradually got worse as the adrenaline cleared out of my system. It's not as bad as last year but it's very worrisome.

I am thankful that I wasn't hurt more badly - I was terrified during those moments when my bike careened backwards down the trail. However, I am also mad that I got hurt due to a mechanical failure. I've tried so hard to be careful with my spine that it's frustrating to having something that I couldn't control hurt it.

Now, I'm just hoping that it's a spine tweak that doesn't last long. That happens sometimes - and I'm hoping that this is one of those times!

In the meantime, I'll get outside with Shyla somehow tomorrow morning!
And, I'll keep hoping that Shyla feels better, and we all get a full night's sleep sometime soon!


  1. I think your lifestyle comes with a certain element of risk. Biking in steep terrain can be dangerous. Unfortunately, no one always has things go their way. This was one of those times. I am sorry you were hurt and hope it is only a minor tweak.

    1. You are absolutely right, Taryn. Crashes like this one come with the territory - I'll take the risks over a different, safer, life any day.

  2. Your bike accident!!! Oh no!! We hope your injurys are not bad..!!
    And ohh the worrys about Shyla,,, they are big worrys.

  3. Ow! Hope you and Shyla are both feeling. Enter ASAP.

  4. Sending lots of healing wishes to both you and Shyla! Hoping for no more seizures for her and no pain for you from the accident.

  5. We have our paws crossed for you and Shyla. We hope the back trouble goes away soon.

  6. So I am a bit confused. In what way do you mean, "The chain Snapped"
    Is this a weakness in the chain. Did the chain actually break or did it come off its track.
    Is this something that you need to make the company aware of for the safety of others.
    Now after you have answered all my questions, please go take it easy and get better and give Shyla a hug.

    1. The chain actually broke into two pieces. I've never had it happen in such a precarious spot on trail but it has happened before...

  7. Oh dear, we too are sending lots of healing prayers for your back to be OK and for Shyla to be able to work her way beyond this concern. We hope the neurologist has some answers for her.

  8. I am sending you both POTP!! Stay positive and try not to worry about Shyla she has overcome so much and she will this too.

    Aroo to you,

  9. That sounds really scary! Good thing it wasn't worse since you were alone. Hope you feel better soon! (I took a spilll myself last week and am still suffering from it. Not as cool of a story though.... just tripped over Rita. Sigh.) Hope Shyla's doing okay too!

  10. Wow, how very scary..we're also glad you were able to get back home! Paws crossed that your back feels better soon and Shyla's neurologist can help things settle down for her.

  11. OMD, how scary!!!! I hope it is just a tweak, and it will feel better sooner, rather than later. I gots my paws crossed for both you and Shyla. She looks so very happy running! {{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  12. Hope thielngs calm down for Shyla and you are OK
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Oh! Fingers crossed for both of you. It's hard not to worry.

  14. Hari OM
    OUch! Sending POTP to both of you!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. We are sending you lots of healing vibes, KB, and our paws are crossed for you, Shyla!

  16. That must have been very scary! We sure do hope that you are feeling better today and we really hope that Shyla does not experience any seizure. Hopefully the neurologist can help. Feel better!!

  17. Ouch KB! We're sorry to hear about your mishap on the trails. We hope in a day or two you'll be feeling fine.

    We pray for our furend Shyla every night.

    Lily Belle and Muffin

  18. I sure hope Shyla's seizures stay away. I sure do know how worrisome that is...even on the good days. Especially not knowing why, which so often is the case. I am hoping her neuro can locate the root of it. It is always amazing to me how they get right back to loving life after a seizure, or with side effects...my Gibson enjoyed life so much. I believe it is so much harder on us. It's wonderful you are enjoying being outdoors. The photos are so gorgeous! And ouch! I am so sorry about your bike incident. I was scared reading it, so I can only imagine how frightening it was for you. I hope all is okay with your back. So relieved you weren't injured more. Thinking of you both and hoping you get some answers for Shyla.

  19. So sorry about your accident, and I hope the pain goes when you've had more rest. The only time I get angry about pain is when something gets added to "the usual" that didn't have to happen...falling on ice despite wearing cleats and being careful, getting bashed by a goat that is going after another goat and doesn't care that I happen to be in the way, and so on. Having a bike chain snap is something I didn't know could even happen - aren't they steel? And made in not-China? If I got hurt as a result of a snapped chain, I'd be angry, too.
    I hope Shyla is able to avoid another seizure, and recover quickly from any future event. Fingers crossed your neurologist will be helpful. Take care of your self, KB!

  20. Hugs and love - hopefully this will pass. It sounds like you have a very attentive vet for Shyla, plus your own care of her, and I'm sure you will find a way through her seizures.

    Take it easy today, and hopefully the pain will go away.

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  21. Crap, not fun. I hate when stuff like that happens and you have no control over it. I hope you aren't seriously hurt and start feeling better.

  22. OMG, when I read about your bike accident, I was terrified. Mojo for your back, that it's not going to mess you up much.

    Good luck and mojo for Shyla too. I'm sure you've let her breeder know what's going on. Some epilepsy is hereditary, and if a breeder knows which lines carry it, that can be a good thing.

    Best wishes and love to all...

  23. Oh my goodness what a scary fall. Glad it wasn't worse than it is. Sending lots of positive vibes to Shyla
    Lily & Edward

  24. Aww man! We hope your spine is just temporarily grumbling and feels better really soon.

  25. How terribly scary! We hope it will just fade away and not be any more serious!!! And of course we want Shyla on the right med mix and avoid any more seizures! POTP for you both!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  26. We sure hope all is okay and that the pain is just a passing thing.

  27. KB, Just getting caught up and I have to say I'm thankful that you didn't do serious damage to your back and glad that today you weren't as said as you thought you'd be. It was so cold this morning and I doubt it ever got above the 40's. I'm just not ready for it yet. I hope that Shyla's neurologist can figure out the correct dosage of her meds. Sending you all hugs.

  28. Oh no! In the blink of an eye... I hope by now your back is feeling much better.


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