Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Happy Summery Saturday

I am writing this from the warmth of our deck - a very unusual state of affairs in late October.

Both Shyla and I felt happy and goofy this morning. I loved her expression during this recall.
Happy Saturday!


  1. We had a simply beautiful day here today. Lots of sunshine, great temps, and a well-behaved puppy:)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. Such a wonderful Shyla expression! Goofy is fun and I'm glad you two shared it!!!

  3. That's a delightful expression :)
    Wild temp fluctuations here in past week. It has started getting cooler at night - one morning I even wore a jacket for a little while! But yesterday was like a sauna. In the middle of doing morning chores I had to come back in and change into shorts! Today has been quite cool and drizzly, which was kind of refreshing. I'll have a window open all night :)

  4. Hmmm, how come you have it so warm? We began at 2 Celsius, and a frost on the lawn, and the FIRE was lit once again. Warmed up hugely later in the day . Goofey, she is, but in the nicest way. Love you, Shyla.

  5. WE had a cool fall day here and chance of rain most of the coming week
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. Just look at that Shyla girl! She is funny and feels good!

  7. How wonderful to be able to enjoy a bit of Indian Summer before winter settles in!

  8. She is so cute! She looks really happy in this one! :D

  9. BOL! That was a funny expression. We are catching up from being lost for a few days. We hope Shyla is still doing well with the meds. Mom says we are on borrowed time for this nice weather!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. You've got our heat! We awakened to cold this morning....just crazy!

  11. Happy, Happy Sunday! I hope today has been just as enjoyable for you!

  12. Strange weather probably isn't a good sign but it's impossible not to appreciate nice days in October :-)


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