Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Serene Sunday

Moose are a new addition to our lives. A few weeks ago, we were heading out to watch the elk rut, and we were distracted from our quest by a wonderful sight. A mother moose was feeding in a pond. She'd put her snout under the water, holding her breath for a really long time.

And then she'd come up with water draining out of her mouth.

While she fed in the pond, her calf fed in the grass, keeping his rump toward us.
This was an occasion when I was almost relaxed as I photographed moose. I had a long lens, and I was up a steep embankment from them.

Back in our neck of the woods, I've known that we have a big bull moose in the area because my trail camera had captured his image as he walked toward our little slice of the world. Our moose population is pretty young, and this was one of the bigger bulls I'd seen near our home.

My neighbor called just before we headed out on a recent evening hike to say that a big bull moose was headed our way. I went out first, without the Labraduo, to see if I could spot him. I did spot him but he was deep in some willows and there wasn't much light. Do you see him in this photo? I think it's sort of like a Rorschach test. What does your mind make out of that messy image?

After I spotted the moose, we took the Labraduo for a hike away from where the moose was. We kept our eyes peeled for moose but we didn't see him in the forest. It was a normal peaceful walk.
I love the quiet of our little world and the wildlife that shares it with us. 

I hope that all of you are having a wonderful Sunday.


  1. How beautiful....but I know they can be so very unpredictable, stay safe!!

  2. Your moose are very beautiful especially when view from a respectable distance or on your trail cams.

  3. What a great shot of the water draining out of the moose's mouth!! And even more beautiful is that last shot of Shyla - awesome!!!

  4. I love that you are always wary of the moose and taking the pups the other way and I am the idiot who seeks them out. I see you living a much longer life......One of Berts friends human got between a momma and a baby about two weeks ago. She doesnt remember a thing after the first contact. She has been in the hospital for two weeks and just got home. Question is.....did I learn anything from that......?????

  5. What a beautiful walk! The moose would really scare me, but they are beautiful creatures.

  6. Amazing shots! There's something so magical about moose, in the sheer size combined with how they can just vanish into the trees...

  7. Oh wow,,, peaceful and beautiful!

  8. Amazing to think you share space with moose!! I really can't imagine having to think about possibly running into a bull moose while out walking the dogs. All we have to watch out for are skunks!

  9. I love the "blurry" moose. The colours are crazy. I hope the Moose leave you in peace.

  10. mooses are great animals... but I better watch them via your blog... specially if they play with water :o)

  11. You know I love the moose, Great shots of her in the water.

  12. Love the moose photos!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. It's so lovely the way you adjust to let the wildlife be...wildlife.

  14. They always do amaze us, big and beautiful!

  15. We thought that picture of the moose with the water spilling out of his mouth was Stanley after he drinks and soaks his beard BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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