Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Labraduo Romps!

I took this photo last winter before R had his elbow surgery. You can actually see how wide his left elbow was compared to a normal elbow. Now, post-surgery, it looks almost normal.
As I've mentioned in the past, it's been a long journey back from R's CUE surgery. I'll soon have another video of his exercises - we're now on a schedule where we do the same exercises for about 2 months before the vet ramps them up again. We still spend about 30 minutes each day doing strengthening exercises for his left forelimb.

After his surgery, there was a time period when, although we didn't say it out loud to each other, both the Runner and I feared that R wouldn't ever run at full speed again. He seemed so weak that we couldn't imagine how he'd get back to his normal rambunctious lifestyle.

Alas, we were wrong. Today, I had the honor of taking a mountain bike ride with both halves of the Labraduo. We headed up to Hug Hill first, where the dogs posed on their favorite rock.
I see that colorful "I have epilepsy" tag on Shyla in the above photo, and I realize that both of these dogs have been through tough times this past year.

Despite all they've coped with, they can romp with as much, if not more, abandon than last year. Shyla has gained a lot of gray fur but she's actually challenging R for "top dog" honors when they're racing around outdoors.
The Duo is a handful when I bike with them both. I have to make frequent stops to remind them of the rules by practicing recalls and impulse control exercises. But, my little obedience routine works - and that makes me smile because it means that I can safely ride with both of them.

During one of those breaks, they propped their front paws on Angel K's favorite stump. Some of you might remember the story from that stump. When K's health was fading due to bone cancer, our big goal was to hike to the stump each day. It became a celebration of each precious day that we had together. I'd put a small rock in the crevices on top of the stump each time we made there after the vets told us that time was short. You can see the crevices below Shyla's paws in the photo - that's where the little rocks were.
After K died, I went and collected all the little rocks - and they sit in a jar on my dresser as a reminder that every single day is precious.

That is true with this Duo too. I am so happy that I had this day on the trails with them!


  1. It is great to see them running and romping together again

  2. Momma just loves to see them together, romping, and having the bestest of times. And so do I.

  3. We bet it was a very happy and joyous ride for you today with the Dynamic Duo!!!

  4. They're so beautiful together! I'm so glad they can romp around now.

  5. What wonderful photos of the Duo!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. It's great to see R doing so well. He has you and the doctors to thank.

  7. Happiness together on K's stump. This is a photo I could go to again and again. R, well... his health has you right there to thank for all those months of rehab and exercises.

  8. That last photo and the memories that go with it are priceless
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. The Duo looks terrific! I have not visited in ages and it was good to see your stunning photos and catch up.

  10. This is such a happy-making post, KB! It has been exciting to watch R's recovery and inspiring to see your tenacity in continued rehab. I'm going to think of R later today when I do the daily exercises my PT recommends for my shoulder. Fortunately, no huge inflated peanut required - I use a log and a rock.

    1. Forgot to say, the picture of the Duo with paws on the stump is a treasure :)

  11. It is so good to see them out dogging around. Thank you.

  12. The Duo bring so much joy we love
    looking in on your world.

  13. They both look wonderful. May there be many more years of pure joy for all of you together.

  14. Lots to smile about. Let's hope your through the rapids and into a calm pool for awhile...

  15. Yay for R! I'm glad he's doing so well!

  16. Love seeing the Labraduo together! Wow! I can't believe you are still doing strengthening exercise with R. I didn't realize you were still doing them. Go KB! You rock!

    We too have had many changes and scares this past year after losing Brut. I think things are starting to smooth out. :)

  17. I hope this finds you and yours doing well. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com.

  18. They are both so very good at romping, what a wonderful thing to see !!

  19. Love the last photo♥ We are smiling through tears.

  20. What a very beautiful post. Yes ,, everyday is a blessing!


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