Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - The Labraduo

These two make my life richer every single day.


  1. OMD, that second picture made us smile so big!!

  2. BEAUTIFUL!! I lost my Gracie girl in April 2014 and haven't gotten another dog yet as, I've been carrying for aging parents that live 4 hours away. I miss her so, so much! I just don't feel I'll have the time to commit to a dog but, I sure miss having one. Thank you for sharing yours with us!!

  3. Makes me yearn for two Goldens. Two dogs are more than twice the fun of one. But we dare not try since we fear Lucy might not adjust to having another dog. Despite our love for Golden Retrievers and Labs, we will almost certainly look for smaller dogs. Your duo looks marvelous in the sunshine.

  4. Those photos are spectacular! Your Labraduo enriches our lives, too—thanks for sharing their beauty and joy with us...

  5. Non-dog people always comment (or roll their eyes, LOL!) on how much I spend on my dogs and dog activities. Sure I'd have more money in the bank, but I'd be missing out on so much!

  6. they are a duo with magic powers... they bring a smile on every face... :o)

  7. OMD what beautiful photos!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Can just imagine all the joy and laughter those two give you.

  9. Soaking in the sun! They are so beautiful!


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