Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday Mischief

Even at nine years old, R still does completely unexpected things during training - so unexpected that all that I can do is laugh. He has a mind of his own, and I like that about him.

Last week, I was practicing recalls with the Duo. When I called for them to come, Shyla bolted toward me, like usual. In contrast, R hesitated and then bolted behind Shyla at a right angle to the line toward me.

You can see Shyla's incredulous reaction. Since we don't use punishment in our training (aside from withholding the reward), she didn't have any experience to cause her to have that worried look on her face.
R quickly changed his mind and charged over to me. I wish I'd captured the looks on both of their faces. Most of all, Shyla looked so relieved that R had finally done the right thing!


  1. Hari OM
    BOL.. oh Shyla, not on script eh? Never mind, big bro R just knew the variation is all!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. BOL! Shyla is wondering what the HECK R is thinking!

  3. the two of them are quite simply STUNNING.. so very beautiful..

  4. A former student has guidedogs now. One of them was always trying new paths...just got bored with doing the same thing. We understand R!

  5. You better explain to R he needs to listen to the hand that feeds
    Lily & Edward

  6. Well, if that first picture isn't a Christmas card picture, I don't know what is!!

  7. They really do have a way to make us smile too!

  8. Shyla's reaction is too funny. R has always traveled to the beat of his own drum.

  9. Shyla is so cute but handsome R got it right!

  10. Oh that renegade R! Glad he came around and Shyla could relax again.
    Piper made up a new game this past week. She never ceases to surprise me!

  11. Shyla is like the kid that always wants to do the right thing to make the human happy:)

  12. I love the photo of them together and how Shyla is cutting her eyes. They are such good pups.

    Aroo to you,

  13. Oh guys, you are just so funny and adorables!!! I look at Ma like that all the time when she comes at me with the ear cleaner....
    Ruby ♥

  14. And look at all that snow, perfect playground.

  15. You sorta took the scenic route, right, R☺

  16. Lol...maybe he is teasing the sister.


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