Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Desert Sojourn

We took a desert sojourn last week, enjoying the warmth and the carefree feeling of being all alone in the desert. It was a fabulous week, all except for one seizure for Shyla and one migraine for me. Ah well, I guess that we can't expect smooth sailing all the time.

I love exploring by mountain bike better than anything. I took long rides exploring canyons and buttes.

And, we enjoyed some sunsets over towering red rock walls.
A bit of me is a "desert rat" although the mountains will always be home. I'll tell you more about our trip in the coming days!


  1. Oh yes, getaways, says momma, are wonderful. But she says until February we won't be able to do that. I'm sure we will have short little adventures and I look forward to that. Can't wait to see more of yours.

  2. I'm so glad you had a nearly-perfect time :)

  3. Looks like a dream to me, solitude, nature, glorious skies, and those rock faces. No wonder you love going there.

  4. A change of scenery can be so reviving.....

  5. What totally different, yet beautiful areas your mountain and desert are!

  6. Oh how I love seeing your getaway pictures!! I miss being on the road so much. So sorry you had to deal with a migraine and another seizure for Shyla. I hope you both are better now.

  7. So sorry about the migraine and the seizure - wish they would both just go away. Hopefully Shyla won't have another for a long time.

    It is easy to tell how much you do enjoy the desert.

  8. I always enjoy your desert change of scenery!


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