Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: A Desert Sunset

We hiked up to a high point for sunset one evening last week. Both dogs bowed down before the grandeur, and then Mother Nature put on her show.

Our country is beautiful. I want to help keep it that way by preserving our undeveloped spaces like this one.


  1. Yes....Please preserve our wild spaces!!!

  2. Beautiful, the landscape and the doggies.

  3. Yes, the coming years make me very nervous for our country's open spaces and national parks. I hope I am just being paranoid.

  4. Amen to that!!! The pups look gorgeous in that sun!!!

  5. I love the photo of Shyla the yellow really makes her pop. We all need to do our part in taking care of the beauty around us.

    Aroo to you,

  6. I love the warmth of your photos, and totally agree with wanting to preserve it. Can I just say that I worry about that with a president coming in who I don't think has ever visited a National Park?

  7. Beautiful! At our house a bow will get you a treat!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Shyla looks like she's on a golden, satin cloth.


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