Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

From snow to slickrock!

One of the reasons why I love going to the desert in November is that we can escape what is usually the first snow of the year. That is usually a slushy and not-so-fun snow. In fact, it snowed the day before we departed this year!

So, after driving west for hours, we traded the snow for Utah's slickrock, which meant that the much-hated dog boots had to come out. Actually, R doesn't mind his boots. Shyla is the one who is scared of them. However, they are necessary - slickrock tears apart a dog's paw pads if they're not used to it.

Shyla literally shakes in her boots as I put them on her. Thankfully, she usually perks up after we start moving.

We've experimented with lots of kinds of boots. Most recently, Shyla tried UltraPaws boots which our friends Lily and Edward gave to us. Shyla liked them much more than other boots but the soles wore out very quickly on slick rock. I'm going to see if UltraPaws makes a tougher version that will endure our mountain bike rides in the Utah desert.

I always savor each day of riding in the desert, knowing that snow usually awaits us when we return home. That's my new bike in the photo - it was fabulous in the desert!

Here's to frolicking in the desert. I love it! Kick up your heels, Shyla!


  1. a new bike!!! Love those bootees, and what a fab place to be after your snow.Enjoy it all.

  2. Hi there, Congrats's on the new bike! Those shoes for your pups look great-I have some friends who winter in the desert and their dog got some sort of fungal infection that ruined his toenails. I suggested they get some boots/shoes for him. No snow right now KB and I'm thankful for it. My brother who is in his 70's is up in Estes till tomorrow morning and I don't like the idea of him driving in the snow. Hope you have a great weekend.
    Noreen and Hunter

  3. Glad the boots worked for awhile you do need tough ones out there
    Lily & Edward

  4. Shyla doing a handstand!! You go, girl!!

  5. As long as she doesn't kick off the boots as she kicks up her heels:) Enjoy your new bike!

  6. Shyla may not like her boots but she looks so darn cute in them.

    Aroo to you,

  7. Shyla's fur always looks so pretty against the red rock!!

  8. Barley doesn't like boots, either. I'm hoping it never gets cold enough this winter for her to need them. Looks like you head a beautiful getaway!

  9. Howdy mates, fabulous photos. I'm glad Shyla relaxes once she is on the run.
    No worries, and love, Stella x

  10. Those are some wonderful balancing acts that Shyla does!

  11. this boots are not only made for walking they are great for handstands and any kind of artistry too ...

  12. Your boots look great on you, Shyla, and you gotta take care of those paws so you can keep having loads of fun!

  13. I'll have to check out Ultra Paws for Java. She has black nylon bags that are light (and cheap) but don't stay on & since they're black & so is Java I don't know when they fall off. I put them on to avoid ice balls in between her pads - the bad thing about hairy feet. 😉

  14. Great bike! I always wore boots on Breezy in the winter because she'd collect painful ice balls between her toes. In winter, we'd always lose them in deep snow.

  15. I love the last picture of Shyla. She looks like she is doing push ups. It must be great to go from the snow to the desert. Thanks for the tip on the shoes. We don't need them but we have friends who ask about shoes.


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