Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Desert Stars!

One of the hardest parts of "winter" camping in the desert is the short daylight time. Sometimes, I feel as if life is rushing by as we try to squeeze as much as we can into the daylight hours.
Looking down a canyon as I whooshed along on my bike

We run as fast as we can but it doesn't slow down the Earth's rotation!

As you can see from my photos, at least some clouds hung in the sky most days.
I love the juxtaposition of the desert rocks and the snowy mountains
But, finally, my luck for star gazing changed! I had no luck all summer long, with either a full moon or storms limiting star visibility.

On this trip, the clouds cleared out, and I had several nights in a row to gaze at the stars and take their photos. The moon was almost invisible so we could see the Milky Way!
I feel so lucky that we can visit places dark enough to let the Milky Way shine through. The nearest town was off in the distance on the right of the horizon, and it obviously didn't cause too much light pollution.

Happy Friday.


  1. We bet it seems like being in heaven on earth:)

  2. The stars are amazing and we just can't imagine seeing those for real, beautiful!

  3. The snow, the stars, and the whooshing!!! Was this with a GoPro? Love Shyla taking on those bootees, she is doing marvellously.( is that correct grammar?)!!!

    1. Ha ha! As if anyone knows the correct grammar for dogs wearing shoes!!!! We call them "boots" but you are welcome to call them whatever seems right to you :)

    2. Ooops, I forgot. That photo was take with my DSLR while I precariously zoomed down the canyon. I've been a little disappointed in the photo quality from the Go Pro. I love it for action video though!

  4. Beautiful.....thanks so much for always sharing

  5. The star photo was just a kknockout! I have never seen so many stars in my life and I am sure you feel great good luck when you do.

    Cheers, Jo and Stella

  6. Wow! Those stars are so awesome!!! You make the desert look so much more fun than it was when I lived in one!

  7. Wow from me too. Specialy the last two. You take US places we would never go. Thank you so much. Love ElseMarie

  8. Wow - the desert sky shot is just fantastic!

  9. What a pawesome place to go and visit :) The star photo is amazing. Milo & Jet


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