Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Duo Plays in an Incoming Storm

The Labraduo and I got out before the snow storm started today. They are still wearing their vests to keep them safe from hunters although I haven't seen any in a while.

Our entire mountain was in a cloud. That made me sad because I don't get that many opportunities to photograph the Duo together. Sorry for the hazy and cloudy look in all the photos.

Despite me trying to calm Shyla down, she was determined to roughhouse with R. She loves playing with her big brother and doesn't get that many chances to do it outdoors. Somewhere along the way, Shyla became a collar-grabber. I always take off their collars indoors but I'm not comfortable with that outdoors so I watch them like a hawk so no one gets hurt.

R definitely loves playing as much as Shyla does. As soon as she lets go of his collar, he's after her.

 Here he is, in full chase with a ferocious look on his face!
Now, I'm sitting by the fire. Yesterday, it was so warm that I wore shorts to ride my bike. Today, I need to huddle next to the fire to stay warm!

Where have you been all this time, Old Man Winter?
That's not my real Meriwether Fat Bike. That super bike waits for a bigger snowfall before it comes out to play!


  1. Duo romping sure is fun! Oh yikes, snow?!?!?!

  2. This is our second snow this year but our running total of snow by this date is the least in something like 40 years! Usually, we get a few big storms in October.

  3. We know all about that collar grabbing! Stanley got Murphy's collar stuck behind his canines and it was quite frightening! Enjoy your snow. Can we get a little warmer?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Dog oh dog would I love to play with the duo. Our weather is much the same. Yesterday 73 and today right now it is 28.

  5. BRRR that last picture looks cold.......

  6. Your photos are always so superb - never seen a bad one.

    Snow??? Don't tell my two. Not a big fan of the cold and snow here, but very curious to see Misty's reaction to her first snow - but not for a while please:)

  7. How fun is that to see them both having fun.
    Astro runs like a jack rabbit, so funny.
    Must be the Cattle dog in him, but he loves to run.

  8. pretty cold here too but we did not get the snow they predicted for yesterday
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. You take wonderful photos whatever the weather. Brrr that snowy bike pic sure shows what your winter is like!

  10. Looks like your both having great fun playing together :) Milo & Jet

  11. it's great to see the two kids playing :o) yesterday I was fine with a t-shirt and today I can't be close enough to the fireplace... that's crazy LOL

  12. I used to grab Mitch's collar all the time but Mackie isn't as accepting. We love seeing the two of you playing together!

    Love ya lots♥

  13. Hari OM
    We've got snow this morning too... not quite as much as this! YAM xx

  14. they look like they had a great time.
    amazing shorts one day, fire the next.

  15. Hopefully the snow will scare off the squatters
    Lily & Edward

  16. Dui is a throat-grabber, and he hangs on! Such a great game. Can't believe it's snowing there, we are finally up in the 90s during the day!

  17. Can you hear Lightning and Misty complaining - there is snow to our west and snow to our north, and just sunshine here:)

    Bet you and the pups are having fun exploring:)


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