Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 18, 2016

The First Real Snow

We had our first real snow of the season yesterday afternoon and evening. I had to pull out the bike with the huge tires for today (4.8" wide). It performed beautifully, although I always forget how hard my legs have to work to propel my fat bike anywhere!
I feel so lucky about where we live. I roll my bike out the basement door, and we are on trails that extend seemingly forever. Many times, I've ridden for hours from my basement without ever putting a wheel on a road. When we first lived here, I was afraid of some of the difficult trails that make these long and remote rides possible. I probably should still be afraid after breaking a rib and chipping my ulna this season but I've gotten over the fear anyway. The payoff, in the form of amazing rides, is well worth it.

So, the Labraduo and I went out to play in the snow this morning, with me on my Meriwether and the Duo playing crazily in the snow. I had to calm them down to be able to take any photos of them. I also take off their orange vests, just for photos, because I hate having a whole month's worth of dog photos ruined by a garish reminder of hunting season.

We started out down low at about the elevation of our house, and then I was able to climb a steep hill on my bike to get us up and out of the forest. That's where R appeared ready to take flight with his ears as wings.

I always have trouble mentally with the first snow, knowing that I'll be slogging big fat tires for months to come. That's why I try to focus on the absolute glee of the dogs as they run and play in the snow. If only I could learn to live by their incredible "in the moment" attitudes!
Rumor has it that our weather will be warming up again so this snow will probably melt. That will give me a chance to plant my wildflower seeds - an annual tradition of scurrying around sowing new flowers in the falling snow that will form the bottom layer that remains for the whole winter. Last year, I also managed to drop my keys outside the house as that layer of snow fell. I didn't find them until the great melt in May of this year!

You do have to find beauty in winter to live happily at our elevation. For me, that wouldn't be possible without our Duo and my fat bike!


  1. R looks terrific!! Ah yes, living in the present. Not always an easy task ;-)

  2. Yes, we totally understand the challenges of doing what we love year round!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Snow, and here we are almost into summer, although today is cool.Love those duo pics, ears wide, and enjoying that freedom in your mountains. If I EVER travel, this is one place I'll come for sure.

  4. I love that first picture of the dogs - they both look so fit, and ready to take Winter easily in their stride. And it is so wonderful that you just step outside and you are already on your trails!
    Snow is predicted here for Sunday, and even though it probably won't be much or last long, it's a strong incentive for trying very hard to get things tidied up around the gates and paddocks beforehand. Once the ground is frozen and there's lasting snow, it's so much harder to avoid stumbling or tripping over unseen things. A lot of work still to be done, but soon I'll just have to say, "Okay, I've done as much as I can to be ready: bring it on, Winter!" And then, like you, I'll be trying to focus on the beautiful aspects of Winter. And the practical beauty, too....like Piper and I being able to play in the woods without having to deal with dozens of deer ticks every single time!

  5. You are indeed fortunate to live where you do—I often dream of that kind of lifestyle...we're so disconnected from nature, it saddens me.

  6. Your world is soo beautiful,,, and I can see R and Shyla think so too!

  7. So much beautiful white fluff!! The first month of snow is always the most beautiful!!

  8. Like dad's rival Rod said: the furst cut is the deepest and the furst snow is the bestest :O)

  9. We can sweet the joy and fun with Shyla and R!

  10. Snow was forecast for the other day - camera charged, all ready to go - and I woke up to no snow! Sadly this happens more often than not here. I need photos for Christmas cards!


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