Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Black and White Sunday - R's News

We learned yesterday that our Black Dog is going to need another surgery. It will be relatively minor to remove possible melanoma growths from his paw. Unfortunately, they are on a part of the paw that doesn't have any extra skin so the surgeon will have to use skin grafts from elsewhere on R's body to fill in the gaps after he removes enough tissue to get clean margins.

In the big picture, it's not a big deal because we likely caught it plenty early. However, we can't help but feel really sad that R will have more recovery time in his near future (surgery will probably be in January). He'll be in a splint for a while to let the skin grafts heal.

That news really isn't what we wanted for him. I feel more upset than I should.
Life is so full of twists and turns. We all do the best we can, no matter what the circumstances. We hope that we navigate this one easily so R can get back to the fun of life very soon thereafter!


  1. Hari OM
    Aw heck R... if it ain't one thing, it's another, eh? POTP for you darlin'. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Oh no, poor R. He definitely has had more bad health luck than any pup deserves :( But I'm glad the cancer was caught and apparently can be removed for a complete cure!

  3. Oh, R. How frustrating to have another surgery in the near future. May it go smoothly and his recovery be swift.

  4. Poor R. Doesn't seem fair does it?

  5. POTP in it's purest form to R!
    Now a little cursing %^&$#$%*!
    May the recovery be a short one.
    xo Astro

  6. Dang R, we're sorry you have to have another surgery but we'll all be purring for quick healing. Dang!

  7. You've been through enough already, R. We'll be praying that you'll be back to speed in no time at all.

  8. "I feel more upset than I should." I can relate to that statement but maybe we need to cut ourselves some slack. I've been going through struggles with Luke where it is hitting me hard, for probably many complicated reasons besides just not wanting to see him suffer and be hit by more things as he ages. I think I'm going through my own age struggles at the same time -- therein the complexity. I'm waiting for a blood test to see if Luke has Cushings (on top of his heaves getting worse). But we keep going, right? Deal with what we are handed and be thankful for those who are there to cheer us on. At least that's the goal for me today.

  9. How could this happen? Hoping it will be easier surgery than his elbow, and recovery will not mean more therapy exercises for you to learn and teach.I am sure that after all your positive training, for those months with R, you will get through this hurdle with the same inner strength. Hold tight.

  10. Poor, sweet R! We're so very sorry to hear this news. We are sending our best POTP for him (and for you too.)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. So sorry to hear. I know how hard this is for you and R. Sending 24 Paws crossed for both of you.

  12. Oh, dear. I'm so sorry to hear this. Does it look like an actual growth? Or more like a flat spot that changed color? I'm not sure I've ever seen melanoma on a dog.

    1. It initially felt almost like he had a cactus quill under his skin in one spot. Then it became two spots. Then they got a little bigger (but are still hard to find). Finally, we all saw them closely, and they are raised bumps that are black. Very suspicious on a dog whose skin is white under all that black fur. Apparently, this is a no-brainer. We'd get them taken out right away but regular vets are not trained in doing skin grafts. Thus, the wait until a board-certified surgeon is available to do it.

  13. Dang it! We so hoped he was gonna be able to enjoy a LONG stretch trouble free!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  14. That's so sad! Poor fellow, especially because you can't explain that it's just temporary.

  15. That poor boy. After he's doing so well. We hope he has a speedy recovery!

  16. We're glad you caught it early but are sad for R that his activity will be restricted again. POTP coming his way.

  17. Darn it!!! Poor R sure is being tested! But he is a very resilient dog and we are sure he will bounce back and be well again soon. POTP and all good wishes for a speedy recovery.

  18. So not fair...we are also hoping for a successful and fast healing procedure!

  19. Poor guy! I'm so sorry. Hoping for a quick and successful recovery!

  20. We send our good vibes for a quick recovery for R. Good it was caught early
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  21. R is such a brave and good boy, and he didn't really need this as well. We are crossing all paws and hooves that it will all go smoothly and be a quick recovery.

  22. So sorry for R. I have to say I haven't visited your blog in a while because I just had to put down my Black lab Zeus a few weeks ago. My heart still hurts. I watched your rehab video - your vet/surgeon could use that to teach other people. So glad that you care and share your findings.

  23. Oh R!! I'd be worried, too. One day at a time...


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