Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Red Rock Towers in the Desert

During our recent Utah desert trip, we stayed in two main campsites. Halfway through the week, we had a "transfer day" when we bought a few supplies and visited a special place on our way to our second campsite.

I showed one photo of that special place yesterday. I love visiting there around sunset in the winter. The light is sublime.
Unfortunately, we had spent longer than expected in town buying a few supplies so we arrived literally five minutes before the sun dropped below the western horizon. And, it's not easy to get all of us out of the LabMobile quickly, especially when R's big yellow peanut and wobbly disk are blocking all exits! We are a little like the Beverly Hillbillies when we travel with R's rehab equipment!

The Runner got Shyla out for me remarkably fast, and I managed to get a couple of quick photos of her in that wonderful warm sunset light with the red rock behind her.

Shyla has been through a lot in the past year, with the onset of epilepsy seeming to parallel her graying muzzle. I love getting these photos of her every year because I can see the course of her life in her face and posture. Look at how confidently she stood in this unfamiliar place with strangers around. Yipee for Shyla!

After the sun drifted below the horizon, I looked to the towers behind Shyla, watching the warm red light gradually disappear from them too. This photo was from just before the towers went dark. I could hear the voices of climbers on top of the towers whooping. I guess that they descended in the dark.

Then I looked toward the western horizon. I love the iconic desert shapes on the horizon with the sunset clouds above them.
After lingering for a while watching the sky change colors, we headed to our next campsite - K's Rock. We were going to be there for Shyla's 5th birthday. Time is flying!


  1. Has it really been 5 years?
    Times does fly.
    Happy Belated 5th Birthday Sweet Shyla.
    xo Astro

  2. it is like a painting.^... if a painter could do it like mother nature ;o)

  3. WOW! Such beautiful photos! I hope your special day was super special sweet Shyla!

  4. 5 years, and what a fabulous place to be. K will be with you in all your hearts. The last photo, looking like building and a tall spire on the horizon,What colours nature gives.

  5. Wow...so much beauty. Red Rocks are so very magical!!

  6. Those towers are just incredible!!! As is your photography. You are right, Shyla just exudes confidence in that photo!

  7. There truly is no place on earth like this. Your post reminds me of something I read not that long ago that said that the wide open space shuts down the chatter - There's a reason the prophets went to the desert and not the jungle. There is no "static" and the heart rests. Your photo and this trip, I think says that perfectly.

  8. Some day I want to see those red rocks!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. The red rock towers are just incredible! Happy 5th Birthday, Shyla♥


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