Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

We are so happy to have our black dog back in action again! He's now a healthy 9 years old but is still acting like a puppy. He is so exuberant that people still ask if he's a puppy when they meet him for the first time.

He and Shyla can run around happily together working on their synchronized tongue flick routine.
It's a happy Sunday for us! I hope that it is for you too.


  1. We are so glad to see you having one R of a good time again R!

  2. Glad to hear that R is back in action. One reason he looks so young is that he doesn't seem to have much of a graying muzzle...or is he using one of those coloring things? BOL!

  3. R looks so well and so happy, all those long days and hours of rehab have certainly been so worthwhile.

  4. Have fun in the snow, R and Shyla!

  5. Love the tongue flicking foto' - waaay too cute!

  6. So far so good. We gotta practice the synchronized tongue action!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Fantastic to see him out and about and enjoying life!

  8. It's a wet one here, but at least we only got a little bit of icing. Happy Shyla and R - Happy Sunday!!!

  9. WE had a fabulous Sunday!! You guys are looking so good!!

  10. I love the first photo of R and then the tongue flicking thing. It looks like they were also trying to work out a synchronized dance step too, but they may need a little practice with that. Keep it up, Pups, you are doing great! Jo and Stella


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