Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Joy of a Dog

Do you ever wish that you could be as happy as your dog? I do.

It is very rare that Shyla isn't absolutely elated to chase her purple toy. She doesn't care whether the sky is gray, the snow is crusty, or the wind is howling. Chasing her wubba makes her happy.

I thank my lucky stars almost every day that we discovered how wonderful it is to share our lives with dogs.
They show me that joy is found in throwing your whole spirit into whatever you are doing!


  1. I do wish I could have dog joy too. Phod is like Shyla with his Precious.

  2. Oh, yes. If I am ever in my life even half as happy as Lilo rolling in cool grass on a hot day or as unfazedly, relentlessly optimistic as Titus doing pretty much anything at all, I count it as a great success.

  3. I wish all the time I could live happily like Torrey. She is always just happy to be here.

  4. The joie de vivre of a dog is incomparable and provides us uprights such happiness!

  5. Mom says she wishes she could be as carefree as a dog. No real worries, just fun. Dogs are great for humans, and humans are pretty good for us canines too.

  6. I agree with you! Dogs find so much joy in the smallest things. We could all learn so much from them.

  7. Shyla always looks like a happy girl!!! And we are sure that your devotion to her has a lot to do with it:)

  8. We're happy dogs. We have free room, board, medical, and retirement. PLUS, we have a human who loves to see us happy. So we get lots of attention and walks.

  9. We love to see you happy, Shyla! Life is too short not to enjoy every moment!

  10. I can't imagine life without the pugs!
    PugRanch Mom

  11. All of your comments are making me smile and smile! You all definitely understand how I feel!

  12. I do believe that dogs are the answer to every problem that we face. Hug a dog and it all goes away. :)

  13. What a carefree look in all the pictures, but that second shot put a big smile on my face!

  14. OMD GURL!!!! That looks like soooo much fun! I wish I could romp in the snow like that! Do some snow zoomies for me, k? ☺
    Ruby ♥


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