Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

Our black dog continues to do wonderfully since his CUE (elbow) surgery 9 months ago.

We were surprised, however, by how much he was set back by his 2 week complete rest due to minor surgery recently. We've been gradually bringing him back up to speed, and he's doing well!

We've come to realize that we need to continue doing his strengthening exercises for him to be able to live life to the fullest. We previously called them "rehab" exercises, and now we think of them as maintenance exercises. We have a strengthening program where he alternates exercise sets day by day.

I made a short video of the exercises that he does. I realized after I made it that the wobble board exercises are the most fascinating to watch, and they're at the end. So, you might want to watch all the way through to get to them!

We really hope that this program keeps him sprinting full speed ahead for a long time!


  1. Just seeing pictures makes me think of all the fun times I had with my black dog!! I just loved that boy! So glad to hear that he is doing so well after his surgery!! Happy Sunday to you!

  2. R is so lucky to have such dedicated parents to help him stay healthy. It's great to see pictures of him running and happy.

  3. We are so glad you are doing so well handsome R!!!

  4. Both R and Shyla are so lucky to be spending their lives with you. There could not be more caring and loving parents anywhere!

  5. You are doing a terrific dog, R! That's a lot of work! Your moaning made us smile☺

  6. R and his exercises are just amazing. And it reminds this old lady that the back exercises are not just for when there is pain but for maintenance too:)

    Happy Sunday.

  7. Dedication to the extreme, and look how well it has "paid off", so to speak.He is a miracle, and I'm sure the surgeon and all the medical staff think so too.And the miracle didn't happen by itself!!!

  8. Your dedication to his rehab is inspiring. So glad to see him doing so well.

  9. Sprinting or flying? Congrats on the progress. 😀 I think Sam would have run around the table to get the treats as well as figure out other ways to 'cheat.'

  10. We so appreciate the videos, as we also continue with 'maintenance rehab' with 12 year old Habi after her knee surgery almost a year ago. You are a real inspiration!

    1. I'm glad to hear from another dog lover who is doing maintenance rehab! Part of why I keep doing it is that it's so fun working with R. I hope that Habi continues to do well!

  11. I'm always impressed with R's agility and desire to please you. Kudos all around.

  12. Wow, what a great workout, and I'm so happy R has done so well! His rehab going so well is a true tribute to your training and dedication!

  13. WoooooHoooooo! Ma says I needs to come spend some time with you....OKAYS! You do have cookies and margaritas, right?? ☺
    R is going to have a full and wonderful life with that kind of training! (ma wants to know if you train peeps? she could use some 'training' too...hehehe)
    Ruby ♥

  14. He does so well with the exercises, I'm impressed with him keeping all 4 paws on the wobble board! Great to see that the training is paying off! x

  15. Go R! It amazes me how well he balances on the peanut, what a dedicated guy! So glad the exercises are paying off!!

  16. That's great he's doing so well. It's hard to keep up with exercise programs like that, but if it helps it is worth doing.

  17. Just look at R !! He is so happy!


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