Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Moon Still Rises and Sets

It's been a tough few days. From the death of my dog friend to US events, I've felt worried and sad. However, I was cheered up when I was cleaning out my photo library and saw a few photos from November's Super Moon. Some pure natural beauty was exactly what my spirits needed.

The first series of photos were from moonrise just after sunset. I love watching the progression of the rising moon as it rises above the ridge to our east.

Part of why I never shared those photos of moonrise was that I captured some photos of the Super Moon setting over the Continental Divide for the first time ever. It would have been better if the moon had set just a trifle earlier in the morning but I can't be choosy. This was our first full moon rise and set without the sky obscured by clouds in more than a year!
These photos remind me that, short of a world-wide catastrophe, the natural world will still keep awing me no matter what. I'm going to try to put aside the terrible visions that have haunted me recently and immerse myself in the incredible world that we have the honor of living in.

Thank you for all of your sweet comments yesterday. The German Shepherd's human feels relief that he was able to leave this Earth on his own terms. She feels that he chose to go on an adventure that he probably knew was his last. He loved our trails more than anything so I, too, am glad that he managed to spend time on them during his last day on this Earth.


  1. I hear you, KB. I too am grateful for the touchstone of the natural world. These days/weeks/months it's a struggle for me to remain in some sort of functional day-to-day balance, but the "bonus" of that difficulty manifesting as distressing dreams every night just seems sort of unfair, you know?

  2. So sorry for the loss of your dog friend. We too have been feeling out of sorts with all that is going on in this world. Thank you for sharing some natural beauty to help take our minds off it all.

  3. I agree, as long as the earth turns on its axis there is God's creation to admire. and you are in the most beautiful place to watch it.

  4. Nature seems to be almost our only solace at the moment. Let us hope it too does not fall victim to the prevailing ugliness.

    We too are glad that the beautiful boy had one final adventure.

  5. Beautiful moon shots. And yes, nature is always balm for the soul.

  6. You are not alone in your feelings about current events in our country. It's good to have some things around us that can cheer us up and your beautiful moon pictures are just the ticket. It's going to be an interesting 4 years but I'm sure we will all get through it okay.


  7. So sorry to read about the lovely dog friend. But it is indeed reassuring that he got one last trip in his beloved forest and died with loved ones close beside him. Like you, I am finding comfort in Nature. And in Lucy as well. I'm so glad we live in the mountains where we can get away from the rest of the world for some peace and quiet.

  8. That's it, when things look sad or bad, look around you and see the beauty. Great pictures. Afraid the Supermoon just looked like a moon here, so enjoyed yours.

  9. Beautiful shots!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. You are right, it is still a very concerning state we find ourselves in with no sign of improvement, and if anything, even more worries about lack of leadership. At least we have beautiful blogs like yours to give us a bit of an escape from things.

  11. That last photo looks like a scene out of Star Wars! Just beautiful!

  12. Stunning pics, I love how the natural world reminds us of how small we are and that there are bigger things out there, that in the long run, there is always hope and wonder to be found in the world. From now on you whenever you see the moon, remember the Supermoon and that the moon'll still be there now and thereafter, keeping you in sight of the light no matter what may come xx

  13. Beautiful photos. When we are feeling down and frustrated, we always go out into nature for a walk or run to clear out heads and bring back in the positive thinking.

  14. Very true - nature is the antidote to all kinds of stress. We need so we can re-energize to protect it.
    For me, taking part in the Women's March yesterday at least let me know how many others in my area are also worried. Oddly enough, disabling my ad blocker helped too (our free press is going to need all the help it can get in the months ahead.)

  15. Moon risings in the mountains is always so dramatic. Following yesterday's women's march, I was somewhat buoyed by the energy and passion I saw. Maybe there will be a bit of hope in the coming days.

  16. Those are the most amazing moon photos that I ever did see!


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