Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 20, 2017

Ode to a Good Dog

Yesterday, I was out by myself for a short fat bike ride, and I came upon a canine friend lying in the snow on a trail.
I knew that he'd been suffering from numerous ailments and that his hind end had become very weak. Indeed, he tried to come to me when I got close but he couldn't pick up his hind end. I sat with him, stroking his fur and telling him what a good dog he was. Then, I tried to get cell service to call his human. Of course, there wasn't any service in that spot - there never is when I really need it.

So, I told him that I'd be back very soon, and I started riding toward his house. I could hear him howling and caterwauling behind me. He didn't want to be left alone.

I met his human who was heading out toward him with a big sled to try to bring him home. She said that he'd attempted to follow her on a trail outing without her knowing it. He'd become unable to walk, and the sled seemed like the only way to get him home.

It was tough to get him into the sled. He resisted and seemed like he might try to bite. We fashioned a make-shift muzzle, and his human slid him into the sled. Then, we worked as a two person team with me pulling the sled and his human pushing it while stabilizing her dog. I think that the sled scared him so he wanted to get off it.

When we got close to her house, the snow-packed trail was canted in a way that scared him, and he managed to get his make-shift muzzle off as he struggled to get off the sled. His human ran home to find a better muzzle, leaving me to sit with him.

I stroked his cheek and told him what a good boy he was. The sun was shining and his fur was warm and silky to my touch. It was a special few minutes.

I have always had a special spot in my heart for this gentle dog. He's one of the only dogs on our trail network who Shyla trusted from the start. He'd correct other dogs who were trying to bully Shyla.
After his human arrived back at the sled, she put a new muzzle in place, and we managed to pull him the last quarter mile to his house.

I had to rush away after getting him home so that I could meet a worker at our house. Now, I wish that I'd said goodbye to my wonderful dog friend. I guess my goodbye was earlier while I stroked him in the sunny spot in the trail.

He died in his sleep yesterday afternoon just hours after we'd hauled him home. He slipped away while lying in the sunshine in his favorite spot next to his barn.
Rest in peace, my friend. Your gentle spirit always warmed my heart. I'll miss you.


  1. tears are running down my face for the precious pup and the family he left behind. he is absolutely gorgeous. so glad you were here to help the owner.

  2. Oh that sweet boy, his kindness filled many a heart.

  3. What a beautiful dog. His owner must be heartbroken.

  4. Oh KB. Aren't you lucky you had this special final meeting with this lovely creature.

  5. I'm so sorry. He was so handsome.

    Monty, Harlow, and Ramble

  6. What a beautiful boy. Thank goodness he was safe out there alone
    Lily & Edward

  7. Oh no! What a hard time for that poor gentle soul. I'm glad that he passed in his favorite sunny spot instead of on the trail. Thank you for doing so much to help him!

  8. Oh what a story. I am so pleased you found him and were able to help his human get him home. What a gorgeous boy he was and what a final adventure he had. Run free handsome.

  9. I bet his family would love seeing those pictures you took of him too. They sure show a beautiful German Shepherd with a kind soul. Your portraits of him are wonderful. RIP Good Dog.

  10. What a bittersweet story. Thank goodness you found him and that he was able to pass away at home.

  11. He looks to be everything a good dog could possibly be. Gentle, dignified, brave. Run Free, beautiful boy.

  12. Momma has tears, me too. So glad you were able to aid him in bring him home and giving him gentle strokes of love.

  13. A huge privilege to be there for his last day. to meet him on the trail, help take him home, and know he had love and care right then. Freedom for that beautiful boy.

  14. Such a beautiful dog, and what a dignified way go. How I wish all pets could just pass away in such peace.
    On Monday we had to send our beloved Labrador to the Rainbow Bridge. She, too, had very weak back legs no longer able to support her, and just pulled herself around by her front paws if we were not there to help her. It was devastating to have to make that final decision.

    1. I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved Lab. I send my deepest sympathy.

    2. Coppa's Girl, I too am so so sorry about the loss of your beloved girl! Your kindness and compassionate comments have meant so much to me in my sad times, and now, I extend them to you my friend. You have my prayers for peace in knowing what a wonderful life you gave her, and that you find comfort in your memories of your beautiful girl that I know without a doubt, you will see again one day.

    3. Kim, thank you so much for your kindness. It's something we all have to face, but it never gets any easier. Our pets are so precious to us.

      KB Bear, thank you, too, for your sympathy. We have another, younger, girl Lab. too, and she is as bereft as we are.

  15. What a lovely dog. So happy you got him home.

  16. So sorry to hear of your doggy friend. Peace.

  17. What a sad and touching story. My dear Katie too lost control of her hind end often the last months. I carried her home several times, all 70lbs of her, but it was worth it because she still so wanted to be out with me walking and seeing the world. This poor guy wasn't ready to give up until he gave it all one last good try. Wonderful!

  18. Oh, what a sad ending to that tale. He looks like he was a great, noble dog. I'm glad you had some quiet time to spend with him, giving him love and comfort. Run free, buddy!

  19. I think God arranges meetings like you (by yourself) and that gorgeous dog would have. You gave him some comfort and helped him get home and then it was time for him to go. He was such a beautiful dog, and loving and gentle to boot. Jo and Stella

  20. LOTS of tears but hearts full of love...and peace. What more could any creature ask. Gentle woos of comfort for you and his family.

  21. How very sad!!! But at the same time, how much he must have appreciated the time you spent with him and how you helped his human get him home. Soft woos and gentle hugs to his family from me and the pups.

  22. So thankful you came along to spend some comforting time with him and help him on his final trek home. Sorry you have lost a gentle furiend.
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  23. How wonderful that you helped him, KB. We are so very sorry.

  24. This is a beautiful and tearful post. I'm glad you got to spend time with him, and just imagine how much it meant to him when you found him and sat with him. Bless you both and bless his family. clearly a much loved boy

  25. Such a beautiful, wonderful dog. He is now pain-free but his owner must be in so much pain. My deepest sympathy to all who knew and loved him.

    I would be happy to include him in the next edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends' if you'd like. Send me an email with all the information and a picture and I would be honored to include him.

  26. The moon and stars aligned for your perfect timing.
    So glad you were there to help get him home.
    Bless you for your kindness.
    Run Free sweet friend.
    xo Astro

  27. Tears are raining down my cheeks and hurting my heart. RIP sweet fella. Now that you've crossed the Bridge, there's no pain and sunshine puddles follow you all day long. Sorry for the loss of your friend. 💔

  28. I am so sorry. What a beautiful boy he was, You did your best to try to help him.
    RIP,,, sweet one.

  29. How wonderful that you were able to help get him home for his final hours. I love that he protected Shyla. He's a beautiful boy.

  30. Such a sad situation! Run free, sweet boy!

  31. I just mentioned in an above comment to Coppa's Girl about her kindness and compassion. You are also among the most kind and compassionate people I know. On a week like I've been having, this has been a good reminder of what's truly important, you truly made and make a difference, and are an example to follow. God speed to this most handsome boy.

  32. Oh, my goodness, I'm bawling! What a beauty he was! He doesn't look elderly or unwell. :( I'm so glad he was found and did not die alone out in the cold. Godspeed, lovely boy...

  33. What a beautiful dog, in all senses of the word! How lovely he got to go on one last adventure, got back safely thanks to you and his owner, and had a peaceful, serene passing away. These dogs are one of a kind and never forgotten xx

  34. That moved me to tears. Bless you for your full and kind heart and all that you did to ease that journey.


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