Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017!

We were out for sunrise on the first day of 2017. I love my first photo of the year - my Shyla shining in the red sunrise while looking at me intently.

I think back to a year ago, and I had no idea how much I was going to love learning about training Shyla for nosework and other activities. We are still having tons of fun with nosework, and I'll share some footage of her finding hidden scents sometime soon.

I wonder what 2017 will bring? I know that I want to continue to hone my skills as a dog trainer. Right now, I'm working hard at teaching Shyla to walk on the rungs of a ladder that's lying slightly elevated above the ground. She's getting very close to doing it. At the start of this year, I had little idea how to train such precise behaviors using just a clicker and treats.

All that learning has been tons of fun too! It has undoubtedly strengthened our bond.

For the short term, R sees his surgeon tomorrow and will probably get his stitches out. That means that he'll be returning to normal life, including running and his physical therapy ("circus dog") routine with me. I'm looking forward to that!
That'll be a great start to 2017!


  1. Way to go Shyla, you can do the ladder thing girl. Okay R, get ready to run pal. Have a great Monday everyone!!!

  2. We can't wait to see what you and your mom have been working on, Shyla! We are absolutely thrilled for you, R!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You have done so much for that girl. And she returns love back to you.

  5. Such beautiful pictures of your beautiful girl. Happy New Year to all of you.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful start!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  7. Having fun, the two of you. That's what counts.

  8. You always get such golden shots that amaze me, not only in color, but in character and emotion! Happy new year!

  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Shyla that first photo is breathtaking...you are for sure glistening in the sun and the sun loves your furs. R good luck getting your stitches out. Hugs all around and happy, healthy and love filled 2017
    Madi your bfff

  10. All the best to you in 2017! Here's to a Happy, Healthy New Year!

  11. Yes, a very good start to 2017!!! We hope the new year is very good to all of you!!!

  12. Best wishes for 2017! Thanks to your videos of "circus dog R", Habi's going to visit our sports vet tomorrow for guidance on hindquarter/core strengthening exercises and equipment. You have set us such a good example that we're going to proactively work on her aging body! Thank you!

  13. R!! I met your brother yesterday on a walk. He was SO handsome. He wasn't really interested in me as he was looking for a bunny to chase. Butt he made me think of you...*sigh*


  14. Here's to a great 2017!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Happy New year and a healthy one. No doubt you are the most positive person I know. Love E M


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