Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Darkness Descends

Yesterday was not my best day. It started out well, with a sunrise fat bike ride with Shyla. I love exploring the edges of the sunrise rays in the forest, with Shyla by my side.

She and I have such fun with photography. As I was taking photos of her, she decided to "take a bow" all on her own. I think it was a wonderful expression of gratitude for the beauty around us.

Then, we started riding, and I felt a dark cloud descending on me. My mood became terrible. I've learned that this dramatic mood change almost always precedes an aura and a migraine. Sure enough, before too long, the shimmering lights of an aura started dancing through my vision. I sat on the forest floor and gulped down my migraine medicine. The medicine makers really need to make the package easier to open for people who have glittering lights obscuring their visual field.

The medicine just tempers the migraine but doesn't make me feel normal. I spent the rest of the day in a fog, feeling sick and also angry at this demon that won't leave me alone.

Let's hope that it's a one-day event, and life will look cheery again very soon.


  1. Oof, how upsetting to have emotional pain along with the physical. Hope today is better.

  2. So sorry to hear that I did not know about the flashing lights I have heard of the migraine headaches but not about the lights.

  3. Mom understands. Hope it's all gone by now
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward

  4. You have Shyla to be your ray of sunshine on your dark days. We hope you feel better soon.

  5. We sure hope you get some relief super soon!

  6. So sorry you have to deal with this ugly monster. We hope today is a much better day. And lots and lots of better days for a long time.

  7. We sure hope it has passed by now!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. We hope you are feeling much better today
    MR Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  9. Bummer that your day was going just fine until..................We hope the migraine is gone tomorrow morning!

  10. Praying that it is a one day event and you don't have to go through it again.

  11. http://www.thedailymigraine.com/blog/2016/3/1/does-daith-piercing-really-work-first-anecdotal-study-of-its-kind
    have you looked into this

  12. Were hoping you are better KB!


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