Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Daydream

We are not having a good day so I find myself wishing that I were in the desert - anywhere but right here. Being camped next to K's Rock would be a dream come true.

The world would be peaceful, quiet, and wonderful.

The red rock world around me would glow with the red of sunset.

If only we could leave right now, we'd be there in time for sunset.

And we'd see the stars spin around the North Star.
Well that was a wonderful dream. Now back to reality...


  1. What a beautiful dream. I hope today treats you better.

  2. I sure hope all gets better super soon. Hugs from all of us.

  3. Sometimes, you just have to take your mind elsewhere. Hoping things improve quickly on the present.

  4. sorry your day is not good, these are beautiful and I would love to be there also

  5. I love your dreams! Have a terrific weekend.

  6. We hope things get better, it is lovely to escape for a few minutes into past memories.

  7. Sometimes a thought can turn things around, and your photos do just that. Hoping the day improves and the rest of the weekend is much happier for you all.

  8. We're sorry you're having a bad day, but glad that you have such a lovely place to escape to, even if only in your mind. Hope your day gets better!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Sometimes ya gotta get away to restore sanity and there's no place better than red rock!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. I'm sorry you aren't having a good day. Your daydream was BEAUTIFUL, though!

  11. Hope your day improves - your day dream is lovely
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. Yep. Sometimes traveling can only take place in the mind and heart. I'm glad you have such a beautiful place to "visit" and I hope it helps you feel better, inside and out.

  13. Dreaming is good. We hope it becomes reality soon!

  14. Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. You do have some very beautiful pictures to look back at and share with us.

  15. These days reality is not so great, is it? Hope you are back on track soon. Meanwhile enjoy the pleasant memories.

  16. Just read you last post and can so identify with Shyla. I too need people to prove they are not out to hurt me - guilty until they prove themselves innocent. It is not a good place to be. And with the not good day, I can relate to that too as Luke struggles to breathe and I struggle to figure out what I can do for him in a boarding situation. I hope things go better for you soon.

  17. Sometimes we need to dream to escape reality for just awhile. March will soon be here - I hope you'll travel and take some more fabulous desert photos. Stay well.

  18. I hope you'll be able to make new memories in your favorite and treasured spot very soon. But until then, I hope that the coming days are better ones.

  19. Life can really suck sometimes and all my mom wants to do is sleep. Remember, we dogs need you. Let us lift your spirits, and when even that doesn't help, remember so many people are much worse off with much bigger problems then what you have. Try to find the good you have and hold onto that. Life can be really hard sometimes.

  20. Oh, Ma has lots of days like that! At least you do have your most beautiful spots to go back to and visualize....I thinks I'll tell Ma to use them too! BOL I'm sendin' AireZens to help you find your dream....
    Ruby ♥


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