Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Silhouette Sunday

Yesterday's bad day was due to a very sick visitor who was diagnosed with a severe case of the flu. Today, I'm not feeling so good. I did get a flu vaccine last autumn but the doc said it doesn't completely cover the kind of flu that our visitor has.

So, let's enjoy a couple of Shyla Silhouettes and try to forget our worries. One with the moon...

And one aimed lower so that we can see the colorful clouds!
Have a good Sunday!


  1. Hope your visitor was thankful, and you are better. Beautiful model.

  2. The sky looks muted and soft. Hope you don't get the full dose of flu.

  3. Love the silhouettes. Hope you feel right as rain soon.

  4. Beautiful Shyla!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Beautiful! We tried silhouettes for the first time last week and it was really difficult.

  6. The the silhouette piccy's they're lovely!

    Molly and my Mom @ The Fast and The Furriest


  7. Beautiful photos! Like Emma, we tried silhouettes this last week too, and it was harder than we thought it would be!
    Oh no, I hope you can fight that flu off....drink lots of fluids and all that good stuff!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Such beautiful shots! We hope you are feeling better, KB!

  9. Oh Shyla you are beautiful... i hope the flu is gone from your house!

  10. What a lovely Shyla silhouette!! Hope you dodged the flu!!

  11. If you start having any flu-like symptoms, call your doctor right away to get a prescription for an antiviral drug. Taken early it can drastically reduce the symptoms There are three approved by the FDA for treating flu. Good luck. You surely don't need flu after the month you have had.

  12. OH NOES! Sick peeps are the WORST!!!! And the flu...oh man, don't gets me started! I hopes you don't gets it!!!! Sendin' lots of POTP and AireZens just in case! and slobbery kisses, cause those fix EVERYTHINGS! ☺
    Shyla, you are one beautiful puppers gurl!
    Ruby ♥


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