Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Rocky Mountain Traffic Jam

Have you ever been in a traffic jam that you liked? I have.

The elk move slowly across the road, often stopping to stare at the drivers.

They've been around a fair bit recently, and I enjoy watching these wild animals.

They seem to stare right back at me, all while chewing their cuds.

This cow elk did the same thing. She looked at me...

... and found me so boring that she started chewing her cud.

They usually let me watch for a while before they start to want to get away from me. I always stay in vehicle to watch them because elk are far less afraid of people in vehicles than out of them. As soon as they start to seem worried about me, I leave.

I think that our unseasonably warm weather is causing the elk to shed their coats early. I feel sure that we'll have more true winter weather so I hope that they hang onto some of their winter coats! And the moose too!
I'm still fighting the flu plus a migraine decided to join the fun and games today so I'm going to sign off now. I hope that you are all doing well.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Love the traffic jam!

  2. I smiled all the way through these photos and this is the only traffic jam my husband would not mind sitting in. love it

  3. Feel better! I only wish I could encounter THAT kind of traffic jam. I-25 is certainly nothing so scenic as that.

  4. That's the only kind of traffic jam I ever want to be in!
    Sorry you're still not feeling well. Whenever I get the flu, the migraine has to join in too, so unfortunately I know what that's all about. Hang in there and feel better soon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. that is a great traffic jam to see! hope you are feeling better real soon
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  6. Sometimes we get a mob of sheep or cattle on the road, we think Elk would be much more fun.

  7. Traffic jam, we get sheep in huge mobs occasionally, but maybe in remote country areas. They are looking so tame there, did you have the tele lens on?

  8. That sure would be an entertaining roadblock traffic jam:) We missed commenting on your recent posts due to all the visitors we had. We are so sorry you are having to fight that flu and now the migraine too. We hope you are feeling a lot better soon.

  9. Dang, that could be a very impressive stampede!

  10. Mom lived in the Allgaue region of Bavaria in Germany for a few years. Sometimes the cows would be blocking the road. There was nothing to do but wait.

  11. Now that would be a fun traffic jam☺ Feel better soon, KB!

  12. We had the freeway stopped for an hour near Park City so elk could cross the road. We hope you are feeling better!
    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. Simply stunning photographs as usual. Love your blog. You make us want to visit the cold cold Rocky Mountains, and Mom thinks again and decides your pictures show us all the beauty and we don't have to experience the snow and cold. LOL

    Molly and my Mom @ The Fast and The Furriest


  14. I think that's one traffic jam that wouldn't flare up mom's road rag.

    Aroo to you,


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