Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Few Words Wednesday - My Forest Friend

By getting out in the forest with my dog every morning, I get the honor of seeing all sorts of life.

Including this handsome guy.

I wonder if this was his arrival in our neck of the woods. I am not good at recognizing moose antlers but this guy's antlers look a little different so maybe not.

In any case, Shyla and I aren't having our normal morning outing this morning. She fractured a molar and is having it extracted. I miss her.


  1. Mr. Moose is very handsome and regal! Hope Shyla's dental procedures goes smoothly.

  2. I can't believe that moose still has his antlers. He's a handsome little guy.

    1. Our elk and moose all keep their antlers into the spring. I've been told that they don't shed them until the new ones start growing from below. I was surprised by the timing too! When do Wyoming moose lose their antlers?

  3. It will be a quiet bike ride by yourself. Hope the dentistry goes well. those antlers are so impressive, I often wonder how they feel with all that weight on their head.

    1. I wonder that too, about the weight of the antlers. Also, it must be hard for a moose or elk to "know" how wide their antlers are so that they don't get stuck between trees. Antlers amaze me! Thanks for your comment!

  4. Paws crossed for you Shyla! We know you will feel much better after!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. We hope Shyla is home, safe , sound, and pain free real soon!!

  6. Hopefully, you'll be out and enjoying the wildlife again soon.

  7. I hope all goes well with Shyla's extraction - thinking of you both! It's so tough when they're not home with us where they belong. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Poor Shyla! Dental problems are the worst. My goodness...what an awesome picture of that moose!

  9. We hope Shyla is home and well soon. If that guy ever loses those antlers, there are two furries here who would love to chew away (and hopefully not hurt those teeth).

  10. Boy, you are having a tough week! Hope it gets better. Love the moose!

  11. We are sending Shyla lots and lots of positive vibes! Hugs to you, KB!

  12. Good POTP for Shyla!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Having to stay at the vet's office must be very scary for her, poor girl. Hope it went well.

  14. Hugs sweet Shyla, we hope all is okay for you now.

  15. Hope Shyla's dental work went well and you are both back to moose watching soon!

  16. Poor Shyla! Nola broke one of her molars last summer and had it extracted. The afternoon/evening after surgery she was pretty anxious and needed carried around or she'd cry, but the next day she was back to normal. It's a super quick recovery.

  17. What a privilege to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat!

    We hope Shyla will recover very quickly from the tooth extraction.

  18. All bests dental wishes to your sweet girl.


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