Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Black Dog Sunday

While Shyla was in the hospital or resting this week, I had some extra time with our black dog.

We had a glorious sunset on one of those evenings, and his fur shined in the setting sunlight.

He zoomed toward me when I called him.

And he highstepped through the rocks. This was before our latest snowstorm so it was very dry outside.
I think that I love the way the setting sun highlights his brown eyes more than anything!

It was amusing when I was talking with a nearby friend about helping care for each others' animals when snowstorms close our roads or other disasters happen. She opined that she wasn't sure that R would let her in our house. I had to stifle a laugh because he is the friendliest dog who you can imagine! I tried to explain that he might lick her to death or bark so loudly that her ears would hurt but there were no other dangers.

I love our Black Dog!


  1. I love your black dog to and the golden sun flowing on his furs... our Baby Girl was like that, her bark was loud and ferocious. she was once backed down by a 4 inch lizard. the mildest dog ever

  2. It's nice to see the most handsome R!!!

  3. R is so beautiful and it's so beautiful to see him able to run and play again.

  4. I hope that all is well with your girl and "the monster" is staying far, far away!!

    "R" really is a handsome boy!! I know what you mean about spending time with him. I'm feeling those same kinds of things spending times with "my boys" here in Tennessee.

    Take care, and enjoy your Sunday!!

  5. I love your black dog too.

    Aroo to you,

  6. Your black dog is beautiful.
    Healing thoughts to Shyla.
    Any bears up and about yet? See my post for what I found a few days ago.

    1. None are up here yet (that I know of!). I've learned over the years that a bear might get chased out of its den early but it will probably hole up someplace else to rest for the remainder of the winter. I'm heading over to your blog! You have me very curious...

  7. He looks so happy (as always). People often feel the same about Phod, and I say the worst that is going to happen is he is going to lean against you and you are going to be covered head to toe in fur!

  8. Great he can be an only dog for awhile with you!

  9. You take such great pictures of R! Not an easy thing with a shiny black dog. SO beautiful!

  10. Oh, he's SO HANDSOME! Great shots!

  11. Lightning is like R, a very big bark, but a teddy bear at heart:) The sheen on R's fur (and Shyla's) is just awesome.

  12. A big bark and wouldn't hurt a fly is a good combination! Atta boy, R.

  13. R has the most beautiful, shining coat I've ever seen. What an incredible Labraduo you have!

  14. Hey R!!!!! You are lookin' most handsome! Your furs are soooo shiny! Keeps and eye on Shyla for me, k? ☺
    Ruby ♥

  15. Crikey R is looking good. He must be getting something extra special to keep his coat that shiny. It always looks amazing.

  16. You are a handsome boy, R, and your big brown eyes are so beautiful!

  17. I have been crazy for Prince R forever it seems. Black dogs are beautiful and yours is a little more beautiful than the average!
    Cheers, Jo

  18. R is so gorgeous. I LOVE black dogs.

  19. Your boy is so handsome! Glad you were able to share some extra time with him while Shyla is recovering. Healing puppy energy flowing your way. 🐾


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