Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Home or National Geographic Show?

Shyla is limited to leash walks for a few days. We took our short walk yesterday morning but it was like a National Geographic show! Before any excitement started, I took Shyla's photo.

Then, her expression changed.
As you can probably discern, she was no longer interested in me, and she heard something behind her.

It turned out to be a mama moose and her calf. Mama moose did not look happy to see us so I hustled Shyla home without taking any photos. As we hiked home, a herd of elk galloped across our path. They moved so fast that I didn't get my camera out in time to get any photos. Sometimes I am simply awed by this stupendous place that we call home.

The most remarkable thing about galloping elk is how loud their hooves are. The forest was serene and quiet with snow falling silently. The elk herd sounded almost like a freight train coming through - the thundering elk herd!

After I left Shyla at home so I could ride my fat bike, I kept seeing the moose pair over and over again, as if they were stalking me! I think that this was the calf peeking at me through heavy snowfall.

I rode for a while longer. The next time I passed through that area, the mama moose and her calf were lying in the snow. Alert mama moose...

Snow-covered junior...

They were next to the trail that goes to our house so I had to pass that spot one more time. This time, they were up and looking ornery. At first, the mother didn't look very interested in me.

Then, she gave me "the look".
A direct look from an adult moose is enough to make me back away as fast as I can. That's a tough maneuver with a bike but I managed. I don't like to turn my back on a moose because I might not know that I'm being charged soon enough.

Now, as I sit next to a cozy fire, the snowfall is slowing, and it feels nice to have winter back again, even though trudging through a deep layer of fresh snow for the dogs' sunset walk is hard work. My spine particularly hates it... but February is supposed to be winter, and I'm glad that it is!

Happy Saturday to all my friends!


  1. Oh, you're so lucky to have all that fresh snow, and how wonderful to be out there seeing all the wildlife! Our beautiful snow is all melting now. :(
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Sorry about the melting! It is fresh snow, though!

  2. Living among the wildlife like you do is a special gift. You see things most average people never will. Poor moose, they look cold. LOl

    1. I agree "LOL". I see them lying in the snow as if it's warm sand. They're amazing creatures!

  3. Oh yea, that was sure the wildlife adventure and that "look" from the moose was pretty serious!

    1. I wish that I could define what makes a look "serious" to me. I think it's that the moose is looking directly at me with a certain head posture. Thank goodness that I've learned to recognize it, whatever it is!

  4. We think your home IS a National Geographic show...except your show has a beautiful Labraduo!!

    1. I agree - the Labs are the most beautiful animals of them all :)

  5. Oh, my GOODNESS!!!!!! As if Shyla wasn't beautiful enough ... MOOSE!!!! Wow!

  6. My My what wonderful moose photos in the snow!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  7. Those are fantastic pictures. Make sure you are safe from the moose. You never want to make a moose mad.

  8. You are so lucky to live in a National Geographic world!

  9. I cannot imagine having a mother moose give me the "eye." They are frightening animals. So glad Shyla tolerated the extraction well and is pretty much back to normal. I cannot imagine going with a crown and keeping a dog such as Shyla (or Lucy) from chewing hard antlers or sticks. Love the photographs of your snow.

  10. We're glad to hear Shyla is feeling better and able to get out for a little walk. Those moose sure are a bit scary.

  11. So good to see Shyla out and about even if it is only for a walk. She will be leaping and running before you know it. Now if that moose gave me a look like that, I would be out of there so fast, and the bike would have to wait for me to retrieve it later:)

    1. Ha ha! You obviously don't have the same *love* of bikes that I do! This one was custom built for me. No way am I leaving it there for a mama moose to trample :)

      Don't tell anyone - but leaping and running is coming tomorrow!

  12. We are so happy that you made it home safe and sound, KB! Your snow photos are so beautiful!

  13. Beautiful moose, I would love to find one in the forest!

  14. I've been too busy to get away and go up to my mountain so you must know how much joy I find in seeing your moose adventures. I miss em.

  15. I am sure that moose knows you are a friend. Such beautiful photos.

  16. Gracious, you're so fortunate to have all that crisp snow, and how awesome to be out there observing all the natural life! Our wonderful snow is all liquefying now..

  17. So that's what snow looks like?! We haven't any at a mile high in for-ever! Fur-tastic pics!


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