Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Leaping Shyla!

We've had a series of gray and dreary days that have pulled my spirits very low. We awakened this morning to sunshine, and it was astounding to feel my spirits rise back up to normal as I pedaled out our snow-packed trail into the sunshine. I think that my mood is very sensitive to sunlight so I'm going to be trying a light box to give my body uplifting light in the morning even on gray days.

It seemed as if Shyla was also ecstatic. She kept leaping for almost no reason! She was flying high above the snow.

She was sprinting in circles around me and leaping off a small rock on each lap. After I figured out the pattern, I captured some focused photos despite her speed.

I was laughing and smiling more than I have in days!
Thanks, Shyla, I needed a morning like this one!!!


  1. What fun you where having Shyla :D Nothing beats Zoomies after days stuck inside :) Milo & Jet

  2. I have read that what can be called " Seasonal disorder" or something like that can happen very easily when sunlight is not in great supply. A light box is a great idea. And today's or yesterdays photos, show the happiness with your girl.

  3. She is part kangaroo that girl can leap. stellie rose

  4. Oh Shyla what a happy girl sweet she is.
    I do not care for the winters here in the PNW.
    But with the sun comes out everyone celebrates or so it seams.

  5. We ALL need a lift like that! Thank you for sharing her joie de vivre.

  6. Those dull days, do affect mood, hope the sun shines for you some more.

  7. How fun! Since Mom broke her ankle, we are looking at 6-8 weeks of boredom. It's hard on all of us as we are always so active. Enjoy!

    1. Oh no! I didn't know about the broken ankle. I hope that it heals fast.

  8. Leaping Shyla for sure!!! She sure can get some good air. We are happy she brought you some smiles. Maybe a little extra Vitamin D would help too - it works wonders for my other half, especially in the winter.

    1. Vitamin D was the first thing that I tried (and I'm still taking it) - and I haven't noticed a difference in my mood. I'm hoping that the light box will help.

  9. Hari OM
    Happiness in pictures!!! Just popping in to say G'day from down under... still travelling and it will be another month before am 'back in the saddle'... sending love and hugs, YAM xx

  10. She brought a smile to my face on a rough day. Thanks!

  11. A sunshiny day makes everything better! What gorgeous shots of you leaping, Shyla!

  12. I can't remember the last time I saw the sun! I'm so jealous! lol I'd say it's been a good month or so, but I love the energy and happiness I feel when it finally comes out. So do the dogs. Maybe that's why Shyla was so happy for you and her and the sunshine. Beautiful shots!

  13. And thanks, KB for this post. I needed some visions like this!

  14. WooooooHooooooo!!!! you GO GURL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. It definitely looks like Shyla enjoyed the sight of sunshine, too! I know that feeling all too well--with the wind chill yesterday, it felt like 9 degrees, but the sky was blue and even though we couldn't be out for too long, we took lots of little excursions in our neighborhood.

  16. Those are such amazing photos of Shyla flying!!!


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