Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 3, 2017

Winter Magic Kingdom

Yesterday, I saw banks of clouds oozing up the canyons towards us. Just before sunset, a cloud bank engulfed our area. The moist air turned into rime ice on every surface in the forest.

Most of today was cloudy but the sun kept trying to burn through the clouds throughout our ride.

The frost made it feel as if we were traveling through a magic kingdom. The thickness of the frost changed depending on which way the slope was facing. On this slope, it was a heavy layer!

It would be cool to see a time lapse video of the rime ice forming. It's so much thicker than the twig it's clinging to.

It clung to aspen branches and leftover leaves.

By the end of the ride, it was clinging to us too! My hair was completely covered in frost, and Shyla had beautiful highlights created by the frost.
I hear that Punxsutawney Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter. I always laugh about his predictions because only 6 more weeks of winter would not be very much for us!


  1. Ohhh, rime ice! You live in such a wonderful place!

  2. Beautiful! I laugh too, since it really doesn't matter if he sees a shadow or not, there will be six more weeks!

  3. You take the best pictures. We feel like we are there
    Lily & Edward

  4. Wow, that is very cool. I don't think I've ever seen ice like that.

    1. That's because you spend the winter in the desert :) Just sayin'... Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

  5. Frost does so many beautiful things but you have to catch them quickly or they will be gone. Great shots!

  6. Down in Denver, we had a coating of rime ice everywhere even the gravel was slippery! Love the ice crystals on the eyebrows on Shyla. As for the groundhog prognostications, spring 'official' arrives in 6 weeks anyway, whether or not he sees his shadow. Only 46 days, though we both know there will be plenty of spring dumps between now and end of April. Happy weekend!

    1. We do know that spring means lots and lots of snow around here. I'll never forget the 7 foot dump of snow pretty much on the first day of spring in 2003. Incredible.


  7. The grands were just making cotton candy and those branches make me think of it so much. What a beautiful world!!!

  8. Replies
    1. I've missed you, Rottrover! Thanks for visiting!

  9. Those frost pictures are beautiful. It even looks good on Shyla.

  10. Rime ice and hoar frost are gorgeous indeed. Love the frosty pup. Have fun in the wonderland.

    1. I hope that all is well in your world, NCmountainwoman! I was thinking of you today.


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