Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Good Day

Yesterday was Day 2 on phenobarbital for Shyla, and she is continuing to amaze me. So far, we're not seeing much drunken-like movement, and Shyla seems mentally sharp. I even did a nosework puzzle with her, and she aced it!

I emailed our vet to ask whether this means that Shyla can live her normal life for the next 14 days. We'd been told to severely restrict her freedoms for 2 weeks so she wouldn't get hurt due to "ataxia" or get lost due to unclear thinking. Our vet said to keep the restrictions in place because we never know when the side effects might amp up. For now, I'm thrilled with how it's going.

The Runner took Shyla for an on-leash run yesterday morning. I took our black dog for a mountain bike ride. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how upset Shyla would be that I was taking R and not her. Shyla was extremely anxious while I was out with R, barking and pacing - making the Runner worry that she might work herself up into a seizure. On future days, I'll sneak out with R while Shyla is running with the Runner.

It was a joy to spend time with our black dog. He's so strong, and he's such a sweet and fun dog.

It also gave me a chance to see the fruits of all of our hard rehab work since his elbow surgery 11 months ago. Seeing R run on our rocky trails so smoothly and athletically is wonderful!

We did a loop near our house, and R was as strong at the end as at the beginning!

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Shyla seems to be handling her new med well, and I got to spend some time with her brother! And our indoor daffodils opened...
Happy Saturday!


  1. I hope that everything goes the best... hugs and potp to Shyla... I love the photo of R his smile makes my day... and the daffies too :O)

  2. Hari OM
    Oooh ooh my daffys opened up too - inside sunshiners!!! How wonderfurs to see R moving this freely and long may the minimal effects be Shyla's... YAM xx

  3. Thrilled that the meds are not causing problems. Fingers crossed that continues. It is very nice to se the black dog. I am sure he enjoyed his time with you.

  4. That's all such good news. I hope Shyla keeps doing well on the meds.

  5. I am so glad both sweeties are doing well. Prayers for the meds to continue and no side effects

  6. Keep doing great Shyla, we're all cheering you on!

  7. Don't be jealous, Shyla. You'll be back running beside your mom on her mountain bike before you know it! We are thrilled that you're doing so well, R☺

  8. Hoping things continue on this smooth path!! Love seeing such a happy R!!

  9. Running with dogs is the best! Mom got her boot off yesterday, so after some rehab for a few weeks she can start slowly getting back into running. Sometimes it is fun to workout with a different dog for a change!

  10. Let the good days continue. Golden blooms, to brighten every day.

  11. Pug Paws crossed that things continue to go well!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  12. We are so glad to hear things are going well! We are at below zero wind chill temps for this weekend, so that daffodil was especially nice to see. It gives us hope spring will really show up, sooner or later!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Paws crossed that so far everything is okay. Keep it up Shyla!

  14. Good news on the adjustment. We actually have snow today, just a light dusting so far, but the pups are thrilled that at least some of it is sticking to the grass. Misty is very busy trying to eat it:) We continue to think good thoughts for you and Shyla.

  15. That does sound like an excellent day! I'm glad that you got a chance to see all of your hard work with R pay off and I'll keep my fingers crossed that Shyla continues to do well with her new meds!

  16. OMD, I missed so much! Shyla, I am so glads that you are doin' well on the pheno! Ma's Angel Annie tried that for her chronic colitis, and while she did well on it, it just didn't help the colitis, so we stopped it. I'll keep my paws crossed real tight that this continues for you gurl!! R, OMD, you look like you never had elbow troubles at all! You and your Moms hard work sure paid off! WoooHooooo!!!
    Keep up the good work guys!!!
    Ruby ♥

  17. That is awesome news about Shyla! And of COURSE she knew you were taking R out on a bike ride! We pups know these things. Like how I know that Cam gets to go out and "help socialize" our friend's new Border Collie puppy and I don't so Dad does something really fun with me while they're gone. It's not fair! I could REALLY show that puppy a good time instead of ignoring him like Cam does. Where's the fun in that?!?!?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

    1. You are right - of course she knew and was upset. We're going to try harder to fake her out! I think that you should insist on helping with the puppy, Maggie! You'd be great!!!!

  18. We are keeping our paws crossed for Shyla. R looks so happy to be out running with you on the trails.

  19. Keeping my fingers crossed that Shyla continues doing well with her new med!

    --Jean Marie

  20. Great news about the new med. We used to have a dog on pheno and he did fine. R looks SO happy!

    1. Thanks for your good experience, Rottrover! I like every single good story about dogs on pheno!

  21. It is great that she is doing well with her medication, although I do feel bad she could not go romping with her. R had to stay home when he couldn't romp. now it's Shyla's turn. Soon they will both be out there

  22. We're keeping all fingers and paws crossed for your girl to continue to do well on the new medication.

    I agree about "R" - And I think he'd say that he agrees too!! ;-)

  23. R will ever be a favorite dog to me, back to his nutsy days! Hopeful for the beautiful Shyla to manage life with phenobarb, we will be watching to see how the days go for her prayerfully!

    Jo and Stella

  24. So glad that Shyla is doing well with the phenobarb thus far -- may that trend continue! And always glad to hear of the black dog's grand adventures. His recovery give me such hope.

  25. POTP thoughts to you and your sweet epi-warrior.

  26. Keep on Shyla,, we are with you


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