Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Start

Shyla's first phenobarbital pill was yesterday morning. She's not allowed to mountain bike with me for up to 2 weeks after this first pill because she can't be off-leash. She'll be "drunk" so getting lost or hurt is an issue. So, yesterday morning, we got up early to get in a fun ride before the first pill. I love having her company on my bike rides. It makes them so much more fun!

She did a serious leap at one point in our ride. I adore seeing her FLY!

As we finished our ride, I looked up and saw an intense Sun Dog. Sun Dogs occur when there's a lot of moisture in a cloud so the sun going through it produces the colors of the rainbow. Actually, I'd prefer just to view it as a good luck charm!

At the appointed time, I gave Shyla her first pill of phenobarb. After that, she had a quiet day. She wants to be in contact with me or R at all times so I know that she's feeling a little off. However, she appears to be walking pretty well so perhaps the clumsiness won't be too bad for her. At this point, I'm a little hopeful that she won't get the terrible side effects that I've been warned about.

She's spent most of the afternoon like this.
I had an inkling ahead of time that we might be headed into a rough patch. Consequently, I did some extra fun things with her in the time leading up until now, and I did a lot of nosework puzzles with her. Over the next two weeks, I'll probably share photos and videos from our fun times over the last little while. I also hope to get to take R on a mountain bike ride every now and then.

A whole two weeks of photos of Shyla looking stoned or sleeping might get a little boring!


  1. bring on the stoned photos, nothing I like better than the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I look at dogs sleeping. they are so beautiful and precious together. I had to take phenobarbital myself way back 50 years ago. did not know it is still around. prayers for no side effects

  2. Hari OM
    May these first two weeks pass quickly for you... LOVE that sundog!!! YAM xx

  3. We hope the meds work well for her without those nasty side effects!

  4. We have our paws crossed that Shyla gets through the next couple of weeks without too much trouble.

  5. Beautiful Sun Dog --- but oh, goodness! The shot of Shyla and R snuggled up together is so sweet!!!
    We are praying the 2 weeks go very well.

  6. So sad for her. Mom doesn't like to run without a dog just like you don't like to bike. The two weeks will pass, and she will hopefully be feeling great again.

  7. Nothing worse than a walk or ride alone. 24 Paws crossed for you and Shyla through this two weeks and hoping that it is all for the better.

  8. Not quite asleep, but knowing you were close by, your bike rides will be very quiet. All wishes for the new meds to be the right ones, and Shyla in time to be so much better.

  9. We are sending lots and lots of good vibes in Shyla's direction. Her expression in that photo where she is leaping is so very sweet.

  10. We are hoping that beautiful Sun Dog is a good omen, as well. Shyla, we're sending you POTP--hoping that new med doesn't knock you around too much!

  11. We hope all goes lots better than you expect.

  12. I hope Shyla does well and doesn't have too many side effects! <3

  13. We hope the day has gone well for you and for Shyla. Ciara didn't have too many of the bad effects when she was adjusting to the pheno. It just never helped her:( Have a peaceful weekend.

    1. So far, we aren't seeing big side effects - just small things (much smaller than our vet warned us about). I fear that means that pheno isn't going to help her seizures... but there's no point in me worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.

  14. I'm so glad you were able to get in a mountain bike ride before giving her the first pill, and had done a lot of extra things lately. We are keeping all paws crossed that the side effects are not too bad, and this two weeks will be over with before you know it.
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Thank goodness she has you and R to lean on and to be close to, KB. We are sending you lots of AireZen and POTP, Shyla♥

  16. Sending lots of hugs. we hope the side effects are minimal AND the pheno helps her
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  17. May the next two weeks pass swiftly and as easily as can be. Going out alone without your buddy is such a strange feeling. Will be thinking of you guys. <3

  18. We are also sending soothing hugs to Shyla(and you)!

  19. I think that the veterinarian may have gone a bit overboard in the possible side effects. I'm sure the motive was good...to make certain you were prepared in case the worst things do happen. I don't think you should worry that the mild side effects so far mean a decreased desired seizure control. The two are not related. One dog can have therapeutic blood levels and few side effects while another might have more significant side effects with the same therapeutic level. Paws crossed that once again Shyla is on the best end of the bell curve.

    1. Thank you for your reassurance! I do think that my vet was trying to make sure that we weren't too lax with Shyla during this adjustment period. She knows how active we are so she laid down the law! I'd rather have it this way, with the effects less bad than I expected, than the other way around. I can tell that you know your medical/veterinary stuff - thanks!

  20. Poor baby! I hope this mediation helps her and she has minimal side effects.

  21. Oh Shyla ...... stoned or not we still like to see her beautiful face. I do hope all goes well for her and we see her out with you again soon. We will be thinking of you over the next few weeks. Charlie's Mum, Lynn.

  22. So glad to hear Shyla is doing ok so far with her new meds. I bet R was really happy to spend time with you! Hope you all have a peaceful weekend.

  23. Best wishes to Shyla for the drug to work and have minimal side effects.
    I have never heard of a Sun Dog! Thanks for sharing the photo and explaining.

  24. So sweet how she relies on R for comfort. Good luck with this transition. I hope the meds help.


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