Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 13, 2017

Drunken Shyla and the Enthusiastic Black Dog

We have a drunken Shyla on our hands. I'm so glad that I was forewarned by my vet and my friends about the side effects in the first two weeks on phenobarbital. Otherwise, we might've rushed her to the emergency vet yesterday afternoon when she lost her coordination. We're hoping that this phase passes quickly so that we can get back to having fun!

I took R for a mountain bike ride yesterday morning. It lifts my spirits so much to get to play with him each morning. Shyla goes for an on-leash run with the Runner at the same time - but it remains to be seen if she's still able to run now that the drug is affecting her so much. I hope so, for her sake.

On each of our rides together, it is obvious that our black dog is a treat hound. He knows that I like giving out treats for good behavior. Consequently, he often looks like this during breaks in our rides together.

He literally can't wait for me to ask him to do something - anything! - because he knows that he'll get rewarded if he does it well. R never does anything halfway - and his enthusiasm for training games demonstrates that!

And seeing him run like this makes me smile and smile. This sprint was for a practice recall. I was glad that we'd just practiced recalls a short time later when we saw a small deer herd. R recalled away from them enthusiastically!
This is a strange phase in our lives, trying to get through the early side effects of Shyla's new epilepsy treatment and also reconfiguring our normal routines so that both dogs get some outdoor time each day.

Most of all, we are hoping with all our hearts that the phenobarbital works. Only time will tell us the answer.


  1. Sorry the side effect has set in. Hoping it passes soon!

  2. I hope Shyla is comfortable resting while her body adjusts. It may be more stressful for her if she tries to do things when her coordination is off. I hope this phase passes soon, but it's such a good thing that you knew in advance what to expect.
    Keeping a good thought for you all!

  3. Poor Shyla, hope it goes away soon. your Black Dog is gorgeous...

  4. Awe poor Shyla. Ruby is on phenobarbital and it works well for her. She started it before we adopted her so not sure if she had problems initially. She's fine now and we haven't noticed any ill effects.

    Love R's ears in that last shot! Love his spirit and zest for life.

  5. Hari OM
    POTP x 87 winging its way from the Bonny Land! YAM xx

  6. We think we are what you call a treat hound too. Hang in there Shyla
    Lily & Edward

  7. Elsa is on phenobarb twice a day too for her seizures. It hasn't seemed to made her appear drunk but I notice she stares into space on occasion (but cannot tell if it's due to the peculiar brain activity of epilepsy or effects of the drug). I also give Elsa CBD oil which (hopefully) will keep the phenobarb levels as low as possible while helping keep the number of seizures to a minimum as well. Good luck with the treatment. Epi-warriors are so inspiring. As for R...he makes treat worthy drool bombs which should be rewarded on that basis alone. 😁

    1. Our pups are fellow epi-warriors. I am told that the drunkenness will go away after about 2 weeks. We had a dog, a long time ago, who was epileptic and took phenobarb. We don't remember him getting drunk for the first 2 weeks...

      R thanks you for your compliments on his drool bombs! Fortunately, they are not very common for him!

  8. We hope that you can get back to a normal routine soon, Shyla! Mackie's life is ruled by treats too, R☺

  9. Sounds like the drug has really hit her, but at least you were warned. Hope it passes quickly. R is training you....BOL!

  10. We are hoping with our hearts, too - so that's a LOT of hope!
    R has some REALLY impressive drool going on. We're totally impressed.

  11. It is a good thing you did not take her out on the trails. If it had hit her far away from home you would have had a terrible time getting her home. Prayers

  12. It almost looks like R's drool is freezing mid-air:) Hope Shyla's adjustment levels out quickly.

  13. Changing routines is never easy for pets or people. We are still working out life with Mom's broken ankle. The boot is off now, but she is still not back to normal and it will be a while. One needs to be grateful for the things one has as it can all change in a second.

  14. We deeply hope that this rough patch with the meds ends quickly, and that it all turns out to be worthwhile. It is so tough when we have to change our routines; but you will get it figured out in time. It's nice you are getting some quality time with R though!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. We sure hope the med adjustment happens quickly for sweet Shyla. R sure is a handsome dude!

  16. That drool thread, though! LOL

  17. I'm so sorry about Shyla! I hope the drunken phase passes quickly and that the drugs work! R sure does look happy out there in the woods! <3

  18. Sending soothing hugs Shyla's way...It looks like R is having a blast with you!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  19. Dang. I was so hoping that Shyla would get past with only minimal side effects. Here's hoping they reduce dramatically. And soon. I do get such a laugh when I see that silly boy. Reminds me a bit of Lucy. My husband had a Physical Therapist here and Lucy was so well behaved. So when the therapist left, I turned to Lucy and said, "What a good girl your were." And she immediately ran to the kitchen and sat near the counter where we keep the treats. They do train us well, don't they?

  20. keeping our paws crossed for Shyla!
    Mr BAiley, Hazel & Mabel

  21. Poor Shyla! Hope she gets over it quickly.

    Haha, that drool string is impressive!

  22. R makes me smile and wish we could get a black lab into our family :) Poor Shyla, it must be so confusing to have her routine disrupted and her body not behaving correctly. Hopefully these side effects will pass soon so she can go back to having fun in the forest.

  23. THIS IS A VERY TRYING TIME for all of you. Get better Shyla


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