Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I miss Shyla

Yesterday, my spirits plummeted. I miss Shyla being herself.
Now, not only is she uncoordinated like a drunk dog, but she's very sleepy all the time. It's making me realize how much this girl's happiness and love bring joy to my days. I love playing all sorts of training games with her - nosework most of all! She's lost her ability to do any of our training games for now.

I know that we'll get through this tough phase. And I know that 99% of dogs have almost no side effects after the first couple of weeks - and they have far fewer seizures than before starting to take phenobarbital. Despite that knowledge, I have to be honest that I'm still feeling down.

I'm still enjoying my morning outings with our Black Dog. I appreciate the Runner sharing him with me for my morning bike rides. He brightens every day!
He's a fun companion except when he puts his head under the dirt and can't hear me call him. He loves to dig, and he can dig a deep hole very fast. That's when his head goes underground which, of course, hampers his hearing. I have to find him, pull him out of the hole, and brush off the dirt. I forgot to take a funny photo before I cleaned his face when he did this routine yesterday.

After I rescued him from his own hole, he ran around like a normal dog. But we all know that this cracker dog is no normal dog!
He makes me laugh, which is a good thing. However, all of us miss our Shyla. I hope that her normal spirit returns soon!


  1. We are all on the hunt for normal and when we find it we'll send it to sweet Shyla. Hang in there pretty Shyla.

  2. This sounds so hard for you... I'm sorry. I hope Shyla is just having an untroubled dreamtime.
    I'm reminded of the time one of my young male goats, Acer, had a long recovery from the anesthetic after surgery. He and his brother Betula were wethered on the same day, and Bet bounced back within hours, which is normal. But Acer was totally "off" and my vet could not help; in fact, I think the vet didn't even believe me! I began to worry that Acer might never be himself again. It took four LONG days before he began to act normally again. I developed a theory about what had gone wrong, but I hope I never have the opportunity to gather more data.
    Hang in there, KB! Sweet dreams, Shyla! Happy digging, R!

  3. I know how hard that is! When Barley broke her nail several weeks ago, we had to take time off from our daily walks and from agility class and I thought it was going to kill me! Thankfully, after a couple weeks of pain meds and rest, she was back to herself and we were back to our normal routines. Hope Shyla's back to herself and you can enjoy her sweet spirit again soon!

  4. to me there is nothing worse than when one of our pups is not the normal... laughing now at the hole digger. our Baby could dig to China in 60 seconds flat, dirt flying every where. they all have their own personality.. prayers for Shyla to be better soon

  5. Hari OM
    It is a worry when we see our loved ones out of sorts... continuing POTP... YAM xx

  6. Hopefully these mess will work for her. One day at a time. She probably can't wait to get out there too. Bet R is thrilled. He's got you all to himself
    Lily & Edward

  7. Huge hugs to both you and Shyla, KB♥

  8. We so understand how hard it is to watch Shyla go through this phase. We have been there too. Just try to keep up your spirits with the thoughts and hopes that soon Shyla will have a better life with fewer, and maybe no, seizures. Chin up, we are here for you.

  9. Here's hopng your Shyla's normal spirit returns soon. When Elsa had her first seizure, it took well over a week to reset her brain and body. Anti-seizure meds can be rough and the reset of the brain even more challenging. Trust me, she'll be back on the trail with you soon enough. Until then, you have your handsome 'cracker' dude. LOL
    Priceless. 😁

  10. sending you both some hugs. We hope this adjustment phase will pass quickly
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. If only they could talk, Guess her body is adapting, and soon she will have adjusted to the new medication. What hard days till then, keep faith in your heart that very soon Shyla will be better and able to be with you outside again.

  12. I'm so sorry you are going through the side effects and that Shyla is no where near being herself. It really sucks and is scary when our dogs don't feel good, so we know how you feel. And worrying? Can't stop. I'm glad you have R to help balance things out and that you were able to take him on your ride. I know this journey has been difficult. My heart just breaks for you for what you are going through.

  13. Sending lots of prayers, hugs, and POTP to Shyla and to you too. I guess we were very fortunate that our April didn't suffer any side effects from Phenobarbital when she had to take it for years.

  14. We know it's hard....but we're still hoping after the initial 'drunken' stage, Shyla will be back to enjoying life with you and not having the Dreaded Monster visits.

  15. We are praying Shyla will be back to herself (minus seizures) very soon. Her body needs time to adjust to the meds; we know it's hard to see her not act like herself.
    Hey, in the meantime, if you'd like someone who can't hear you calling, hole or no hole, I'm your girl! Ha roo roo roo --- yeah, ok, it's that Siberian Husky "selective hearing" thing. I can't help it. It's in our rulebook.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  16. I understand so much how you feel. It is so tough to see them not able to be themselves. We hope these side effects wear off soon. Thinking of you.
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. We have our paws crossed that Shyla comes out of these side effects soon. It's so nice that you have R to help lift your spirits.

  18. You love R. but you are missing your best friend. We are praying that Shyla is more like herself soon

  19. Dear Shyla ..... no wonder you feel down. It is too hard to watch the ones we love suffer. Hopefully it will all be for the best and shell will be back to her old self in no time. Thinking of you and sending lots of POTP to Shyla.

  20. Oh we know how sad you are feeling,, as you and Shyla go through this phase.... We hope she adapts soon. i know R helps you,,, he is such a good boy.

  21. I was once given a drug that was supposed to help me recuperate from a very bad bout of infected sinus, and I was waiting for it to work, feeling miserable and for a week, it just did nothing much at all, and then Bingo! it cleared up. I slept most of the week away and my parents were very worried about me but things turned out fine. You parents have a run time of it with dog kids or human kids!

  22. It is so difficult to watch as our pups endure such a thing - one feels so helpless and not able to help our furry companions feel better. Just be with Shyla when you can, snuggle with her and talk to her - she knows you are doing the best you can for her. I hope and pray that this time will pass quickly with the best results possible.
    Mom Kim

  23. A year ago I was on some meds for behavior issues and it was also awful. Mom says I just wandered around in a fog, I slept a lot, couldn't even do nose work because I had no clue what I was supposed to do. We were not sold on meds in the first place, but we gave up after a few weeks because it is not how life should be. For your pup it is necessary and will be short term, but we understand somewhat how hard it is to watch.


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