Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Few Words Wednesday

I took Shyla for a little hike yesterday morning, hoping to catch the sunrise light together and to see the moonset over the mountains. The clouds obscured both the sunrise and the moonset. However, the sun came out a little later.

Shyla was very low energy - "mellow" might be a positive way to describe her.

She can start to doze off in an instant.

And standing in this spot was a challenge to her balance. It's a rocky spot on the trail that she usually sprints over.

After these side effects pass, I'll never again take her pure athletic talent for granted. I took these two photos shortly before she started the phenobarbital. She was 2-3' above the ground in the next photo.

She landed with complete control and strength.
I know that she'll be back close to normal after this phase passes. In the meantime, we'll enjoy our sweet little strolls. We all love our Shyla.


  1. Hello Shyla
    Where very happy to hear you have been able to get out on a small adventure with your human. We know it won't be long before you will be back to your active self. Milo & Jet

  2. I hope she adjusts quickly and is back to her usual self soon. As I mentioned, Ruby has no side effects from Phenobarbital and I hope the same for Shyla.

  3. We hope you're back to yourself soon, Shyla! We're sending you tons of AireZen♥

  4. Poor girl. You have to wonder what's going through her head.

  5. And you know she is so much loved by us too:)

  6. Hari OM
    At least she was able to move about - I think she is super strong and will come through this pretty quickly! YAM xx

  7. KB, Shyla does look out of it, but I'm thankful the Pheno is helping keep the seizures away. My mom always took it when I was little, for anxiety and when I was grown she said she used to give me some to help me sleep at night....oh boy, we've come a long way in healthy living. Sending you big hugs today.

  8. So glad she can go for even a tinyhike. <3

  9. It was probably great for her morale to go on a short hike!

  10. Poor baby. She does look drugged. I bet she was happy to be out in the field
    Lily & Edward

  11. I hope the side effects go away quickly!

  12. The eyes are the real window into the soul and you sure can see a difference. Hopefully once her levels balance out, she'll look less 'stoned.' Fingers and paws crossed.

  13. I hope this soon passes, and Shyla will again be leaping for joy. Meantime each day as it comes, you will know just by looking into those beautiful eyes how she is feeling. XXX

  14. Just keep hoping she'll be back to herself soon.

  15. One has to be grateful for what you have as it is all you have. She will be better before you know it.

  16. Happy you are able to get her out for a walk!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  17. She must have been thrilled to get a walk. Hope she is feeling better.

  18. We cheering you on sweet Shyla, you'll be doing better in no time!

  19. Oh ..... she does look sleepy AND mellow but oh so beautiful!!!! Feel better soon, beautiful girl.

  20. It's good to see you were able to get out with Shyla for a while.

  21. Poor girl does look sleepy! I hope this passes quickly!

  22. Oh boys. I was hoping you weren't gonna gets those frickin' side effects gurl ~ wells, I hope they start to ease soon, cause you looks like I do after one too many margaritas! wait...is there such a thing....☺
    Anyhu, sendin' you lots of healin' vibes and loves and {{{hugs}}} and AireZens!
    Ruby ♥

  23. She looks sleepy in those first photos, and her eyes just don't have the brightness that they do in the last ones. She will be back to her bright-eyed and active self soon, we're sure of it!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets


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